Tutoriel, tcltk - TclTk - Divers exemples simples à comprendre -

TclTk - Divers exemples simples à comprendre

( Temps de lecture estimé à 17 min 12 sec )

Aujourd'hui nous allons nous intéresser au langage interprété Tcl avec l'interface graphique Tk.
Ces outils nous permettent de créer de façon très simple et très rapide des interfaces pour linux, windows, mac et plein d'autre OS.

Introduction et pré requi.

Tout d'abord il vous faut installer le paquet Tcl pour utiliser le langage en ligne de commande.
Ensuite vous devez installer le paquet wish qui installera la dernière version de la librairie tk.

Pour exécuter les logiciels ci dessous, il vous suffit de copier le code source, le copier dans un fichier texte et l'enregistrer avec l'extention .tcl puis de l'exécuter en ligne de commande comme ceci :

wish myfile.tcl

A) Une calculatrice

Voici le code de l'application :

wm title . Calculator
grid [entry .e -textvar e -just right] -columnspan 5
bind .e <Return> =
set n 0
foreach row {
   {7 8 9 + -}
   {4 5 6 * /}
   {1 2 3 ( )}
   {C 0 . =  }
} {
   foreach key $row {
       switch -- $key {
           =       {set cmd =}
           C       {set cmd {set clear 1; set e ""}}
           default {set cmd "hit $key"}
       lappend keys [button .[incr n] -text $key -command $cmd]
   eval grid $keys -sticky we ;#-padx 1 -pady 1
   set keys [list]
grid .$n -columnspan 2 ;# make last key (=) double wide
proc = {} {
   regsub { =.+} $::e "" ::e ;# maybe clear previous result
   if [catch {set ::res [expr [string map {/ *1.0/} $::e]]}] {
       .e config -fg red
   append ::e = $::res 
   .e xview end
   set ::clear 1
proc hit {key} {
   if $::clear {
       set ::e ""
       if ![regexp {[0-9().]} $key] {set ::e $::res}
       .e config -fg black
       .e icursor end
       set ::clear 0
   .e insert end $key
set clear 0
focus .e           ;# allow keyboard input
wm resizable . 0 0

B) Un calendrier

Voici le code de l'application :

# the next line restarts using wish 
exec wish "$0" "$@"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --
# -- calendar.tcl (Calendar for Linux/Unix & Windows)
# --
# --	Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Stefan Euler
# --
# --	This program is free software; you can redistribute it
# --	and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# --	License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
# --	either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# --	any later version.
# --
# --	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
# --	useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# --	PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# --
# --	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# --	License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
# --	Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
# --	Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --
# --	Usage :
# --	  calendar.tcl [winpos] [action on click] [show date]
# --
# --		winpos		= X and Y position for calendar window
# --				  (String of form '+100+150')
# --				  (defaults to	  '+200+150')
# --		action on click = Action after selecting a date
# --				  'close' -> Close window (exit 'calendar.tcl')
# --					 (= default)
# --				  'hide'  -> Hide window
# --				  'icon'  -> Iconify window
# --		show date		= open the month and year of the 'show date'
# --				  (String of form 'dd-mmm-yyyy')
# --				  (e.g. '02-Jul-2008')
# --
# --	  Output :
# --		Cancel/Close : Empty string
# --		Day button	 : Date string (dd.mm.yyyy)
# --
# --	  Keybindings :
# --		Escape	 -> Close calendar (same as pressing 'Close' button)
# --		Return	 -> Select active date (same as pressing day button)
# --		Cursor up	 -> Go to the next month
# --		Cursor down	 -> Go to the previous month
# --		Cursor left	 -> Set active date to the previous day
# --		Cursor right -> Set active date to the next day
# --		Page up	 -> Go to the next year
# --		Page down	 -> Go to the previous year
# --
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --
# --	Last modified : 25-Mar-2014
# --	Version		  : 0.24
# --	Author		  : Stefan Euler
# --
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- global variables

global tk_strictMotif;
	set tk_strictMotif 1

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace eval CALENDAR {

	variable cal
	variable fheight
	variable htem
	variable os_type

	package require Tk
	set cal(col,0) "black"
	set cal(col,1) "white"
	set cal(col,2) "#e0e0e0"
	set cal(col,3) "#dfdfdf"
	set cal(col,4) "red"
	set cal(col,5) "blue"
	set cal(col,6) "#ffa0a0"
	set cal(col,7) "#ff2020"
	set cal(col,8) "#a0a0a0"

	set cal(sfont)	   -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1
	set cal(fheight)   [font metrics $cal(sfont) -linespace]

	set cal(prg_vers)  "V 0.24"

	set os_type		  $tcl_platform(platform)
	set cal(tcl,full) [info tclversion]
	set cal(tcl,maj)  [lindex [split $cal(tcl,full) "."] 0]
	set cal(tcl,min)  [lindex [split $cal(tcl,full) "."] 1]

	set cal(tcl,new) 0
	if {$cal(tcl,maj) == 8} {
		if {$cal(tcl,min) >= 5} {
			set cal(tcl,new) 1
	} elseif {$cal(tcl,maj) > 8} {
		set cal(tcl,new) 1

# -- ttk theme
#	 set cal(ttk_theme) vista
	set cal(ttk_theme) aqua

# -- Window size
	if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
		set cal(wsizex) 150
		set cal(wsizey) 235
	} else {
		set cal(wsizex) 180
		set cal(wsizey) 230


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- Procs

# -- Check options

proc CALENDAR::check_options { argv } {

	variable cal

	set opt_num [llength $argv]

	foreach argu $argv {
		if {$argu == "close" || $argu == "hide" || $argu == "icon"} {
			set cal(click) "$argu"
		} elseif {[string index $argu 0] == "+" || [string index $argu 0] == "-"} {
			set cal(winpos) "$argu"
		} else {
			if {$argu != ""} {
				set cal(sdate) "$argu"



# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- Initialize variables

proc CALENDAR::init_all { args } {

	variable cal

# -- Styles for ttk widgets

	ttk::style configure cal_days.TButton 
		-background $cal(col,2) 
		-foreground $cal(col,0) 
		-font $cal(sfont)

	ttk::style configure cal_sat.TButton 
		-background $cal(col,6) 
		-foreground $cal(col,0) 
		-font $cal(sfont)

	ttk::style configure cal_sun.TButton 
		-background $cal(col,7) 
		-foreground $cal(col,0) 
		-font $cal(sfont)

	ttk::style configure cal_today.TButton 
		-background $cal(col,5) 
		-foreground $cal(col,5) 
		-font $cal(sfont)

	ttk::style configure cal_active.TButton 
		-background $cal(col,8) 
		-foreground $cal(col,4) 
		-font $cal(sfont)

	ttk::style configure cal_change.TButton 
		-background $cal(col,2) 
		-foreground $cal(col,0) 
		-font $cal(sfont) 
		-height 1 -padx 6 -pady 1

	ttk::style configure cal_stand.TButton 
		-background $cal(col,2) 
		-foreground $cal(col,0) 
		-font $cal(sfont) 
		-height 1

	ttk::style configure cal_stand.TFrame 
		-background $cal(col,2) 
		-relief ridge 
		-borderwidth 2 
		-height $cal(fheight)

	ttk::style configure cal_flat.TFrame 
		-background $cal(col,2) 
		-relief flat 
		-borderwidth 0 
		-height $cal(fheight)

	ttk::style configure cal_stand.TLabel 
		-background $cal(col,2) 
		-foreground $cal(col,0) 
		-relief ridge 
		-borderwidth 2 
		-height $cal(fheight)

	set cal(click)	"close"
	set cal(winpos) "+200+150"

# -- Get current date and define global calendar values
	set time [clock seconds]

	set cal(today) [clock format $time -format "%d-%b-%Y"]
	set cal(sdate) $cal(today)

	set month [string trimleft [clock format $time -format "%m"] 0]
	set year [clock format $time -format "%Y"]

	set cal(date)  "$month/1/$year"
	set cal(dtext) [clock format [clock scan $cal(date)] -format "%B %Y"]



# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- Exit calendar

proc CALENDAR::exit_cal { args } {

	CALENDAR::Window destroy .cal


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- Select the active date

proc CALENDAR::select_active_date { args } {

	variable cal

	set selected_date [clock format [clock scan $cal(date)] -format "%d.%m.%Y"]

	puts "$selected_date"




# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- Action after date selection

proc CALENDAR::select_action { args } {

	variable cal

	if {$cal(click) == "close"} {
	} elseif {$cal(click) == "hide"} {
		CALENDAR::Window hide .cal
	} elseif {$cal(click) == "icon"} {
		CALENDAR::Window iconify .cal



# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- Display current time in 'HH:MM' format

proc CALENDAR::set_time { win } {

	variable cal

	set time [clock seconds]

	set cal(today) [clock format $time -format "%b-%d-%Y"]
	if {$cal(tcl,new)} {
		set ctime [clock format $time -format "%H:%M" -timezone :localtime]
	} else {
		set ctime [clock format $time -format "%H:%M"]
	append cal(today) " - $ctime"


	after 1000 [list CALENDAR::set_time $win]



# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- Change to current month

proc CALENDAR::goto_today { win } {

	variable cal

	set time  [clock seconds]
	set month [string trimleft [clock format $time -format "%m"] 0]
	set year  [clock format $time -format "%Y"]

	set cal(date)  "$month/1/$year"
	set cal(dtext) [clock format [clock scan $cal(date)] -format "%B %Y"]

# -- Update calendar sheet
	CALENDAR::set_cal_sheet $win




# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- Change to month of 'show date'

proc CALENDAR::goto_sdate { win } {

	variable cal

	set sdate_int [clock scan $cal(sdate)]
	set day	  [clock format $sdate_int -format "%d"]
	set month	  [string trimleft [clock format $sdate_int -format "%m"] 0]
	set year	  [clock format $sdate_int -format "%Y"]

	set cal(date)  "$month/$day/$year"
	set cal(dtext) [clock format $sdate_int -format "%B %Y"]

# -- Update calendar sheet
	CALENDAR::set_cal_sheet $win




# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- Display next (ri=+1) or previous (ri=-1) day, month or year

proc CALENDAR::incr_dmy { what ri win } {

	variable cal

	set rich  [expr $ri]
	set year  [clock format [clock scan $cal(date)] -format "%Y"]
	set month [string trimleft [clock format [clock scan $cal(date)] -format "%m"] 0]
	set day	  [clock format [clock scan $cal(date)] -format "%d"]

	if {$cal(tcl,new)} {
		set nday  [clock add [clock scan $cal(date)] $rich $what]
	} else {
		set nday [clock scan "$rich $what"	-base [clock scan "$year-$month-$day"]]

	set cal(date)  [clock format $nday -format "%m/%d/%y"]
	set cal(dtext) [clock format [clock scan $cal(date)] -format "%B %Y"]

# -- Update calendar sheet
	CALENDAR::set_cal_sheet $win




# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- Display days of the month and calendar weeks

proc CALENDAR::set_cal_sheet { win } {

	variable cal
	variable htem

# -- Check the current Tcl version
	set cal(tcl,new) 0
	if {$cal(tcl,maj) == 8} {
		if {$cal(tcl,min) >= 5} {
			set cal(tcl,new) 1
	} elseif {$cal(tcl,maj) > 8} {
		set cal(tcl,new) 1

	set time [clock seconds]
	set now	 [clock format $time -format "%d.%m.%Y"]

# -- Day of the active date
	set day	  [clock format [clock scan $cal(date)] -format "%d"]
# -- Month of the active date
	set month [clock format [clock scan $cal(date)] -format "%m"]
# -- Year of the active date
	set year  [clock format [clock scan $cal(date)] -format "%Y"]
# -- First day of the active month/year
	set cdate "$month/1/$year"
# -- Active day
	set acday "$day.$month.$year"

# -- Day of the week (1=Monday,...,7 or 0=Sunday)
	set wday [clock format [clock scan $cdate] -format "%u"]
	if {$wday == 0} {
		set wday 7
	incr wday

# -- Effective current date for start of calendar sheet - 1 day
	set day_off [expr -1 * ($wday - 1)]
	if {$cal(tcl,new)} {
		set curr_date [clock add [clock scan $cdate] $day_off days]
	} else {
		set curr_date [clock scan $cdate]
		set curr_date "[expr $curr_date + ($day_off * 86400)]"

	set c 0
	foreach eintrag {"CW" "Mo" "Tu" "We" "Th" "Fr" "Sa" "Su"} {
		$win.fr_days.la_0$c configure 
			-style cal_stand.TLabel 
			-text "$eintrag"
		incr c

# -- Each line (calendar weeks)
	for {set r 1} {$r <= 6} {incr r} {
		set k 0
		$win.fr_days.la_$r$k configure -text "11"
# -- Each row (days of the week)
		for {set c 1} {$c <= 7} {incr c} {
			if {$cal(tcl,new)} {
				set curr_date [clock add $curr_date 1 day]
			} else {
				set curr_date [expr $curr_date + 86400]
			set month2 [clock format $curr_date -format "%m"]
			if {$c == 1} {
				set kw [clock format $curr_date -format "%W"]
				$win.fr_days.la_$r$k configure -text "$kw"
			if {$month2 == $month} {
				set day	 [string trimleft [clock format $curr_date -format "%d"] 0]
				set htem [clock format $curr_date -format "%d.%m.%Y"]
				if {$htem == $acday} {
					$win.fr_days.bu_$r$c configure 
						-style cal_active.TButton
				} elseif {$htem == $now} {
					$win.fr_days.bu_$r$c configure 
						-style cal_today.TButton
				} elseif {$c <= 5} {
					$win.fr_days.bu_$r$c configure 
						-style cal_days.TButton
				} elseif {$c == 6} {
					$win.fr_days.bu_$r$c configure 
						-style cal_sat.TButton
				} elseif {$c == 7} {
					$win.fr_days.bu_$r$c configure 
						-style cal_sun.TButton
				$win.fr_days.bu_$r$c configure -text "$day" 
					-command "puts $CALENDAR::htem; CALENDAR::select_action"
			} elseif {$c >= 1} {
				$win.fr_days.bu_$r$c configure 
					-style cal_days.TButton 
					-text "" -command ""

	CALENDAR::set_time $win



# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- Check the window's position (should be completely inside screen)

proc CALENDAR::check_win_pos { args } {

	variable cal
	variable os_type


# -- Get the X position
	set mxpos [lindex [split $cal(winpos) "+"] 1]
	set mypos [lindex [split $cal(winpos) "+"] 2]

# -- Take care that the window is positioned within the screen
	set scr_width  [winfo screenwidth .]
	set scr_height [winfo screenheight .]
	set win_width  [winfo width .cal]
	set win_height [winfo height .cal]

# -- Check the window's X position
	set wxpos [winfo x .cal]
# -- stay at least within the screen area
	if {$wxpos < 0} {
		set wxpos 0
	} elseif {[expr $wxpos + $win_width + 12] >= $scr_width} {
		set wxpos [expr $scr_width - $win_width - 12]
# -- Check the window's Y position
	set wypos [winfo y .cal]
# -- stay at least within the screen area
	if {$wypos < 0} {
		set wypos 0
	} elseif {[expr $wypos + $win_height + 60] >= $scr_height} {
		set wypos [expr $scr_height - $win_height - 60]
	set cal(winpos) "+$wxpos+$wypos"
	if {$os_type == "windows"} {
		set pos	   "[expr [winfo width .cal.fr_days] + 40]"
		append pos "x$cal(wsizey)"
		append pos "$cal(winpos)"
	} else {
		set pos	   "[expr [winfo width .cal.fr_days] + 40]"
		append pos "x$cal(wsizey)"
		append pos "$cal(winpos)"

	wm geometry .cal "$pos"



# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- Window procedur

proc CALENDAR::Window { args } {

	set cmd [lindex $args 0]
	set name [lindex $args 1]
	set newname [lindex $args 2]
	set rest [lrange $args 3 end]

	if {$name == "" || $cmd == ""} {
	if {$newname == ""} {
		set newname $name

	set exists [winfo exists $newname]

	switch $cmd {
		show {
			if {$exists == "1" && $name != "."} {
				wm deiconify $name
			if {[info procs calWindow(pre)$name] != ""} {
				eval "calWindow(pre)$name $newname $rest"
			if {[info procs calWindow$name] != ""} {
				eval "calWindow$name $newname $rest"
			if {[info procs calWindow(post)$name] != ""} {
				eval "calWindow(post)$name $newname $rest"
		hide	{
			if $exists {
				wm withdraw $newname
		iconify {
			if $exists {
				wm iconify $newname
		destroy {
			if $exists {
				destroy $newname



# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- Root Window for Calendar

proc CALENDAR::calWindow. { base } {

	if {$base == ""} {
		set base .

	wm focusmodel $base passive
	wm geometry $base 1x1+0+0
	wm maxsize $base 1137 834
	wm minsize $base 1 1
	wm overrideredirect $base 0
	wm resizable $base 1 1
	wm withdraw $base
	wm title $base "eu_calendar.tcl"



# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- Calendar window

proc CALENDAR::calWindow.cal { base } {
	global glob_var

	variable cal
	variable os_type

	if {$base == ""} {
		set base .cal
	if {[winfo exists .cal]} {
		wm deiconify .cal

	toplevel $base -class Toplevel -background $cal(col,2)
	wm focusmodel $base passive
	if {$os_type == "windows"} {
		set pos	   "$cal(wsizex)"
		append pos "x$cal(wsizey)"
		append pos "$cal(winpos)"
	} else {
		set pos	   "$cal(wsizex)"
		append pos "x$cal(wsizey)"
		append pos "$cal(winpos)"
	wm geometry $base $pos
	wm maxsize $base 400 400
	wm minsize $base 1 1
	wm overrideredirect $base 0
	wm resizable $base 0 0
	wm deiconify $base
	wm title $base "CALENDAR"
	wm protocol $base WM_DELETE_WINDOW {puts ""; CALENDAR::exit_cal}

# -- Header frame with month and buttons to move in months and years
	set fr_month [ttk::frame $base.fr_month 
		-style cal_stand.TFrame 
		-relief flat]
	set yd_month [ttk::button $base.fr_month.bu_ydown 
		-style cal_change.TButton 
		-text "<<" -width 2 
		-command "CALENDAR::incr_dmy years -1 $base"]
	set md_month [ttk::button $base.fr_month.bu_mdown 
		-style cal_change.TButton 
		-text "<" -width 1 
		-command "CALENDAR::incr_dmy months -1 $base"]
	set la_month [ttk::label $base.fr_month.la_month 
		-foreground $cal(col,0) -background $cal(col,2) 
		-borderwidth 1 -relief ridge 
		-textvariable CALENDAR::cal(dtext) 
		-font $cal(sfont) -anchor c]
	if {$os_type == "windows"} {
		$base.fr_month.la_month configure -relief flat
	set mu_month [ttk::button $base.fr_month.bu_mup 
		-style cal_change.TButton 
		-text ">" -width 1 
		-command "CALENDAR::incr_dmy months +1 $base"]
	set yu_month [ttk::button $base.fr_month.bu_yup 
		-style cal_change.TButton 
		-text ">>" -width 2 
		-command "CALENDAR::incr_dmy years +1 $base"]

# -- Bottom frame with current date
	set fr_bottom [ttk::frame $base.fr_today 
		-style cal_stand.TFrame]
	set la1_bottom [ttk::label $base.fr_today.la_today 
		-foreground $cal(col,0) -background $cal(col,2) 
		-borderwidth 0 -relief flat 
		-text "Today :" -width 7 
		-font $cal(sfont) -anchor w]
	set la2_bottom [ttk::label $base.fr_today.la_todat 
		-foreground $cal(col,0) -background $cal(col,2) 
		-borderwidth 0 -relief flat 
		-textvariable CALENDAR::cal(today) -width 20 
		-font $cal(sfont) -anchor w]

# -- Frame with 'Close' button
	set fr_close [ttk::frame $base.fr_close 
		-style cal_stand.TFrame]
	set bu_close [ttk::button $base.fr_close.bu_close 
		-style cal_stand.TButton 
		-text "Close" 
		-command {
			puts ""

# -- Frame for days
	set fr_days [ttk::frame $base.fr_days 
		-style cal_flat.TFrame]

# -- Header (CW, Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su)
	if {$os_type == "windows"} {
		set ypad 4
	} else {
		set ypad 1

	set c 0
	foreach eintrag {"CW" "Mo" "Tu" "We" "Th" "Fr" "Sa" "Su"} {
		ttk::label $base.fr_days.la_0$c 
			-style cal_stand.TLabel 
			-text "$eintrag" -font $cal(sfont) -anchor c
		incr c

# -- Define 6 * 8 buttons
	for {set r 1} {$r <= 6} {incr r} {
		set c 0
		ttk::label $base.fr_days.la_$r$c 
			-style cal_stand.TLabel 
			-text "11" -width 2 
			-font $cal(sfont) -anchor c
		for {set c 1} {$c <= 7} {incr c} {
			ttk::button $base.fr_days.bu_$r$c 
				-style cal_days.TButton 
				-width 2 
				-text "" 
				-command ""
			if {$c == 6} {
				$base.fr_days.bu_$r$c configure -style cal_sat.TButton
			if {$c == 7} {
				$base.fr_days.bu_$r$c configure -style cal_sun.TButton

# -- Display header frame (<< < MONTH > >>)
	pack $base.fr_month 
		-anchor c -expand 0 -fill x -side top -padx 2 -ipadx 2 -ipady 2

	pack $base.fr_month.bu_ydown 
		-side left
	pack $base.fr_month.bu_mdown 
		-side left
	pack $base.fr_month.bu_yup 
		-side right
	pack $base.fr_month.bu_mup 
		-side right
	pack $base.fr_month.la_month 
		-side left -expand 1 -fill x

# -- Display frame with 'Close' button
	pack $base.fr_close 
		-anchor c -expand 0 -fill x -side bottom -padx 2 -ipadx 2 -ipady 2
	pack $base.fr_close.bu_close 
		-padx 2 -anchor c -expand 1 -fill x -side left

# -- Display bottom frame with current date
	pack $base.fr_today 
		-anchor c -expand 0 -fill x -side bottom -padx 2 -ipadx 2 -ipady 2
	pack $base.fr_today.la_today 
		-anchor center -expand 0 -fill none -side left -padx 2
	pack $base.fr_today.la_todat 
		-anchor center -expand 0 -fill none -side left -padx 2

# -- Display frame with days
	pack $base.fr_days 
		-anchor c -expand 1 -fill both -side left -padx 2 -ipadx 2 -ipady 2

	grid rowconfig $base.fr_days all -weight 1
	grid columnconfig $base.fr_days all -weight 1

# -- Display header (CW, Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su)
	for {set c 0} {$c <= 7} {incr c} {
		grid $base.fr_days.la_0$c 
			-row 0 -column $c -columnspan 1 -rowspan 1 
			-ipadx 2 -ipady 2 -sticky nsew

# -- Display 6 * 8 buttons
	for {set r 1} {$r <= 6} {incr r} {
		set c 0
		grid $base.fr_days.la_$r$c 
			-row $r -column $c -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 
			-ipadx 2 -ipady 2 -sticky nsew
		for {set c 1} {$c <= 7} {incr c} {
			grid $base.fr_days.bu_$r$c 
				-row $r -column $c -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 
				-ipadx 0 -ipady 0 -sticky nsew

# -- Bindings
	bind $base.fr_today		     <ButtonRelease-1> "CALENDAR::goto_today $base"
	bind $base.fr_today.la_today <ButtonRelease-1> "CALENDAR::goto_today $base"
	bind $base.fr_today.la_todat <ButtonRelease-1> "CALENDAR::goto_today $base"

	bind $base <KeyRelease-Prior>  "CALENDAR::incr_dmy years  +1 $base"
	bind $base <KeyRelease-Next>   "CALENDAR::incr_dmy years  -1 $base"
	bind $base <KeyRelease-Up>	   "CALENDAR::incr_dmy months +1 $base"
	bind $base <KeyRelease-Down>   "CALENDAR::incr_dmy months -1 $base"
	bind $base <KeyRelease-Left>   "CALENDAR::incr_dmy days	  -1 $base"
	bind $base <KeyRelease-Right>  "CALENDAR::incr_dmy days	  +1 $base"

	bind $base <KeyRelease-Home>   "CALENDAR::goto_today $base"

	bind $base <KeyRelease-Escape> "$base.fr_close.bu_close invoke"
	bind $base <KeyRelease-Return> "CALENDAR::select_active_date"

#	 ttk::setTheme $cal(ttk_theme)



# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CALENDAR::check_options $argv
CALENDAR::Window show .
CALENDAR::Window show .cal
CALENDAR::goto_sdate .cal

C) Une horloge analogique

Voici le code source :
# Cadran d'horloge de Wolf-Dieter Busch (http://wiki.tcl.tk/1011) ... v. 1.8.2 - Sept 2010
# Avec quelques modifications cosmétiques :
# Redimensionnement, graduations, transparence, paramétrage.
# S'il trouve couleurs/vuecouleurs.tcl (noms de couleurs reconnus par tk) ou tcllib ::math::roman (chiffres romains), le script les utilise. 
# substexpands.tcl & hwdboptx.tcl permettent de personaliser les paramètres mais ne sont pas indispensables pour une utilisation régulière.
# http://tratoxic.free.fr/t/tk.htm#scripts

package require Tk

# Variables utilisateur, voir aussi les dimensions dans la proc. initialisations.
set hwdb(couleur_cadran) {old lace}
set hwdb(couleur_chiffres) peru
set hwdb(couleur_aiguilles) peru
set hwdb(couleur_sec) chocolate4
set hwdb(couleur_ombres) gray83
set hwdb(format_titre) {%Okh%M %A %x}
set hwdb(opacite) 1.		;# Un moins transparence (float [0:1])
set hwdb(electrique) 1 ;	;# 1 => saut à chaque minute, 0 => mécanique : sans à-coup (aiguille des minutes uniquement)
set hwdb(premier_plan) 0	;# topmost
set hwdb(fond_transparent) 0	;# ... Mais cadran visible.  Sauf erreur de ma part, "wm aspect" n'est pas fonctionnel sous win xp, d'où
set hwdb(bordure_systeme) 4	;# la réalisation "en dur" de la configuration du rapport largeur/hauteur dans la proc autre_taille_cadran,
set hwdb(delai_configure) 10	;# avec un délai 5<d<50 ms limitant les ressources utilisées par le script lors des évennements "Configure".
set hwdb(ombre_chiffres) 1

# Variables internes
set hwdb(script) [winfo name .]
set hwdb(config_en_cours) 0	;# Sémaphore pour section exclusive (non ré-entrance dans la proc autre_taille_cadran)
set hwdb(PI) [expr {acos(-1)}]
set hwdb(romains) 0 		;# 0 : pour chiffres indo-arabes au démarrage. 1 : romains, n'agit qu'en présence de tcllib math::roman.
set hwdb(noms_couleurs_tk) 0	;# 0 : choix par la boîte standard -> valeur #rvb, 1 : choix avec vuecouleurs.tcl -> nom.
set hwdb(console) 0

# Variables utilisateur proportionnelles aux dimensions du cadran de l'horloge, l'argument par défaut est le rayon au départ (float).
# Sauf l'avant dernière, ces variables pourraient rester float. Elles sont castées int pour des raisons de performance.
proc initialisations {{r 120.}} {
	global hwdb
	set hwdb(rayon) $r						;#demi-largeur du canvas conteneur (= coordonnées x=y du centre)
	set hwdb(bordure_cadran)       [expr {int($r * .05)}]	;# marges entre le cadran et le bord du canvas
	set hwdb(rayon_chiffres)       [expr {int($r * .83)}]
	set hwdb(rayon_graduations)    [expr {int($r * .91)}]
	set hwdb(longueur_aiguille_sc) [expr {int($r * .85)}]
	set hwdb(longueur_aiguille_mn) [expr {int($r * .75)}]
	set hwdb(longueur_aiguille_hr) [expr {int($r * .60)}]
	set hwdb(largeur_aiguille_sc)  [expr {int($r * .02)}]
	set hwdb(largeur_aiguille_mn)  [expr {int($r * .05)}]
	set hwdb(largeur_aiguille_hr)  [expr {int($r * .08)}]
	set hwdb(distance_ombre_sc)    [expr {int($r * .035)}]
	set hwdb(distance_ombre_mn)    [expr {int($r * .03)}]
	set hwdb(distance_ombre_hr)    [expr {int($r * .025)}]
	set hwdb(police)    "Helvetica [expr {int($r * .13)}] bold"
	set hwdb(rpgm)                 [expr {int($r / 80)}]	;# rayon d'un point de graduation des minutes

# Détermine la forme des pointes de flêche d'aiguille.
# La ligne en commentaire, "*2", "1.6" sont utilisés par la proc change_fleche dans hwdboptx.tcl
proc fleche largeur {
#	return "[set a [expr {$largeur*2}]] $a [expr {$largeur/2}]"
	return "[set a [expr {int($largeur*1.6)}]] $a 1"

# Dessine le tout : Cadran, graduations, aiguilles et chiffres.
proc dessine_le_tout {} {
	global hwdb
	set r $hwdb(rayon)
	# cadran
	set mbd [expr {2 * $r - $hwdb(bordure_cadran)}]	; # marge en bas et à droite
	.c create oval $hwdb(bordure_cadran) $hwdb(bordure_cadran) $mbd $mbd -fill $hwdb(couleur_cadran) -outline {} -tag cadran
	# graduations (12 x 4 points, sans le "if $i %5" pour 60 points)
	set rp [expr int($hwdb(rpgm))]
	for {set i 0} {$i < 60} {incr i} {
		if {[expr {$i % 5}]} {
			set a [expr {$hwdb(PI) / 30 * (30 - $i)}]
			set x [expr {int( sin( $a ) * $hwdb(rayon_graduations) + $hwdb(rayon) )}]
			set y [expr {int( cos( $a ) * $hwdb(rayon_graduations) + $hwdb(rayon) )}]
			if {$r < 100}  {
				.c create line $x $y [incr x] [incr y] -tag graduations -fill $hwdb(couleur_sec)	;# 1 point
			} else {
				.c create oval [expr {$x - $rp}] [expr {$y - $rp}] [incr x $rp] [incr y $rp] -tag graduations -fill $hwdb(couleur_sec) -outline {}
	}	}	}
	# chiffres
	for {set i 1} {$i <= 12} {incr i} {
		set a [expr {$hwdb(PI) / 6 * (6 - $i)}]
		set x [expr {sin( $a ) * $hwdb(rayon_chiffres) + $r}]
		set y [expr {cos( $a ) * $hwdb(rayon_chiffres) + $r}]
		set t [expr {$hwdb(romains) ? [::math::roman::toroman $i] : $i }]
		if $hwdb(ombre_chiffres) {.c create text [expr {$x+$hwdb(distance_ombre_hr)/1.5}] [expr {$y+$hwdb(distance_ombre_hr)/1.5}] -text $t -font $hwdb(police) -fill $hwdb(couleur_ombres) -tag ombre_chiffres}
		.c create text $x $y -text $t -font $hwdb(police) -fill $hwdb(couleur_chiffres) -tag chiffres
	# aiguilles au dessus de leurs ombres, axe de la trotteuse qui masque le bout carré des aiguilles h et mn (tracé initial de WDB à 3h00mn30s).
	.c create line $r $r    [expr {$r + $hwdb(longueur_aiguille_hr)}] $r -tag ombre_hr    -width $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_hr) -fill $hwdb(couleur_ombres) -arrow last -arrowshape [fleche $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_hr)]
	.c create line $r $r $r [expr {$r - $hwdb(longueur_aiguille_mn)}]    -tag ombre_mn    -width $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_mn) -fill $hwdb(couleur_ombres) -arrow last -arrowshape [fleche $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_mn)]
	.c create line $r $r $r [expr {$r + $hwdb(longueur_aiguille_sc)}]    -tag ombre_sc    -width $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_sc) -fill $hwdb(couleur_ombres) -arrow last -arrowshape [fleche $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_sc)]
	.c create line $r $r    [expr {$r + $hwdb(longueur_aiguille_hr)}] $r -tag aiguille_hr -width $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_hr) -fill $hwdb(couleur_aiguilles) -arrow last -arrowshape [fleche $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_hr)]
	.c create line $r $r $r [expr {$r - $hwdb(longueur_aiguille_mn)}]    -tag aiguille_mn -width $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_mn) -fill $hwdb(couleur_aiguilles) -arrow last -arrowshape [fleche $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_mn)]
	if {$hwdb(largeur_aiguille_sc) > $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_mn)} {set amx $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_sc)} else {set amx $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_mn)}
	if {$hwdb(largeur_aiguille_hr) > $amx} {set amx $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_hr)}
	set hg [expr {$r - $amx / 2}] ; set ohg [expr {$hg + $hwdb(distance_ombre_sc)}]
	set bd [expr {$r + $amx / 2}] ; set obd [expr {$bd + $hwdb(distance_ombre_sc)}]
	.c create oval $hg  $hg  $bd  $bd  -outline {} -fill $hwdb(couleur_sec)    -tag axe
	.c create oval $ohg $ohg $obd $obd -outline {} -fill $hwdb(couleur_ombres) -tag ombre_axe
	.c create line $r $r $r [expr {$r + $hwdb(longueur_aiguille_sc)}]    -tag aiguille_sc -width $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_sc) -fill $hwdb(couleur_sec) -arrow last -arrowshape [fleche $hwdb(largeur_aiguille_sc)]
	foreach i {ombre_axe ombre_hr ombre_mn ombre_sc} {.c lower $i graduations}

# Rotation d'un angle a d'une aiguille et de son ombre spécifiées par leur tag d'une quantité
# n d'unités (hr, mn, sec). Fournir aussi la longueur de l'aiguille et la distance avec son ombre.
proc tourne_aiguille {tag_aig tag_omb n longueur d_omb} {
	global hwdb
	switch $tag_aig {aiguille_hr {set div 6} aiguille_mn {set div 30} aiguille_sc {set div 30}}
	set a [expr {$hwdb(PI) * ($div - $n) / $div}]
	set x [expr {$hwdb(rayon) + sin($a) * $longueur}]
	set y [expr {$hwdb(rayon) + cos($a) * $longueur}]
	.c coords $tag_aig $hwdb(rayon) $hwdb(rayon) $x $y
	set oc [expr {$hwdb(rayon) + $d_omb}]
	.c coords $tag_omb $oc $oc [expr {$x + $d_omb}] [expr {$y + $d_omb}]

# Procédure auto-entretenue qui fait tourner les aiguilles.
# Les aiguilles des heures et minutes sont positionnées quand un nouveau cadran est dessiné, ou seulement une fois par minute.
# Cas particulier : mécanique, l'aiguille des mn avance à chaque seconde.
proc une_fois_par_seconde {{init 0}} {
	global hwdb
	set hwdb(timer) [after 1000 une_fois_par_seconde]
	set secs [clock seconds]
	set l [clock format $secs -format {%H %M %S}]
	set hrs [regsub ^0 [lindex $l 0] {}]
	set min [regsub ^0 [lindex $l 1] {}]
	set sec [regsub ^0 [lindex $l 2] {}]
	set hrs [expr {$hrs + $min/60.}]
	if {$init || (!$sec && ![wm overrideredirect .])} {
		wm title . [clock format $secs -format $hwdb(format_titre) -locale current]
	tourne_aiguille aiguille_sc ombre_sc $sec $hwdb(longueur_aiguille_sc) $hwdb(distance_ombre_sc)
	if $init {
		tourne_aiguille aiguille_mn ombre_mn $min $hwdb(longueur_aiguille_mn) $hwdb(distance_ombre_mn)
		tourne_aiguille aiguille_hr ombre_hr $hrs $hwdb(longueur_aiguille_hr) $hwdb(distance_ombre_hr)
	if !$hwdb(electrique) {
		tourne_aiguille aiguille_mn ombre_mn [expr {$min + $sec/60.}] $hwdb(longueur_aiguille_mn) $hwdb(distance_ombre_mn)
	} else {
		if !$sec {tourne_aiguille aiguille_mn ombre_mn $min $hwdb(longueur_aiguille_mn) $hwdb(distance_ombre_mn)}
	if !$sec {tourne_aiguille aiguille_hr ombre_hr $hrs $hwdb(longueur_aiguille_hr) $hwdb(distance_ombre_hr)}

# Basculements entre fenêtre sans et avec le cadre du système d'exploitation.
# Le titre n'étant mis à jour qu'à chaque minute (secondes = 0), "avec cadre" se fait avec titre, sans transparence.
# Le cadre supprimé, ombres et cadran deviennent transparents.
proc toggle_visu {} {
	global hwdb			;# s'il n'y a pas de cadre, on le remet :
	if [wm overrideredirect .] {
		wm title . [clock format [clock seconds] -format $hwdb(format_titre) -locale current]
		wm overrideredirect . 0
		wm attributes . -transparentcolor {} -alpha 1
		.c itemconfigure cadran -fill $hwdb(couleur_cadran)
		if $hwdb(ombre_chiffres) {.c itemconfigure ombre_chiffres -fill $hwdb(couleur_ombres)}
		foreach i {ombre_hr ombre_mn ombre_sc ombre_axe} {
			.c itemconfigure $i -fill $hwdb(couleur_ombres)
	} else {
		set c [.c cget -background]		;# la couleur du fond devient la "couleur transparente"
		wm overrideredirect . 1; wm withdraw .; wm deiconify . ;# on/off : pour les systèmes qui ne réagiraient pas, cf. doc. tk
		wm attributes . -transparentcolor $c -alpha $hwdb(opacite)
		if $hwdb(ombre_chiffres) {.c itemconfigure ombre_chiffres -fill $c}
		foreach i {cadran ombre_hr ombre_mn ombre_sc ombre_axe} {
			.c itemconfigure $i -fill $c
	}	}

# Arrête le temporisateur le temps d'effacer tout et de redessiner, puis le redémarre.
proc stop_change_redemarre {} {
	global hwdb
	after cancel $hwdb(timer)
	set rayon [expr {[set largeur [scan [wm geometry .] %f]] / 2.}]
	if $hwdb(ombre_chiffres) {.c delete ombre_chiffres}
	.c delete aiguille_sc ombre_axe axe aiguille_mn aiguille_hr ombre_sc ombre_mn ombre_hr chiffres graduations cadran
	initialisations $rayon
	.c configure -width $largeur -height $largeur
	if [wm overrideredirect .] {set c $hwdb(couleur_cadran) ; set hwdb(couleur_cadran) [.c cget -background]}
	if [wm overrideredirect .] {set hwdb(couleur_cadran) $c}
	une_fois_par_seconde 1

# Dans une section non ré-entrante ... Si la largeur n'a pas changé, force une fenêtre carrée quand ce n'est pas le cas,
# sinon fait redessiner le tout. 
proc autre_taille_cadran {} {
	global hwdb
	if $hwdb(config_en_cours) return	;# limite le nombre de réactions devant l'avalanche d'évennements "Configure"
	incr hwdb(config_en_cours)
	set g [split [wm geometry .] x+]
	set l [lindex $g 0]
	set h [lindex $g 1]
	set m [expr {($l > $h) ? $l : $h}]
	if {$m == [expr {2 * int($hwdb(rayon))}]} {
		if {$l != $h} {wm geometry . $mx$m ; update}	;# force une fenêtre carrée
		after $hwdb(delai_configure)
		set hwdb(config_en_cours) 0
	if {$m > [winfo screenwidth .]}  {set m [winfo screenwidth .]} ;# limitation : dans l'écran
	if {$m > [winfo screenheight .]} {set m [winfo screenheight .]}
	wm geometry . $mx$m			;# force une fenêtre carrée
	if [winfo exist .o.f.f] {.o.f.f set $hwdb(rpgm)}	;# fait suivre le rayon des graduations dans hwdboptx.tcl.
	if [winfo exist .o.f] elements_optx	;# évite que les curseurs aillent en butée en agrandissant le cadran dans hwdboptx.tcl.
	after $hwdb(delai_configure)
	set hwdb(config_en_cours) 0

# Fournit l'opposée d'une valeur #rvb quelqu'en soit la taille.
proc diese_complementaire rvb {
	for {set i 1; set v #; set s [string length $rvb]} {$i < $s} {incr i} {
		append v [format %01x [expr {15 ^ [scan [string index $rvb $i] %x]}]]
	return $v

# Boîte de choix de couleur d'un élément par l'utilisateur.
# Limite à une seule boîte par élément en inhibant son bouton.
proc choix_couleur {item bouton} {
	global hwdb
	$bouton config -state disabled
	if $hwdb(noms_couleurs_tk) {
		if [winfo exist .topvcoul] {$bouton config -state normal; focus .topvcoul; return}
		set ::dim $hwdb(couleur_$item)
		uplevel source couleurs/vuecouleurs.tcl
		tkwait window .topvcoul
		if [catch {clipboard get} choix] {set choix {}} else {set choix [string trim $choix {}]}
	} else {
		set choix [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $hwdb(couleur_$item) -title "couleur $item"]
	if {$choix == {}} {$bouton config -state normal; return}
	set hwdb(couleur_$item) $choix
	switch $item {
		aiguilles {set items {aiguille_hr aiguille_mn}}
		sec {set items {aiguille_sc axe graduations}}
		ombres {set items {ombre_axe ombre_sc ombre_mn ombre_hr} ; if $hwdb(ombre_chiffres) {lappend items ombre_chiffres}}
		default {set items $item}
	foreach i $items {.c itemconfigure $i -fill $choix}
	$bouton config -bg $choix -state normal -text "[lindex [$bouton cget -text] 0] $choix"
	if {[string index $choix 0] == {#}} {$bouton config -fg [diese_complementaire $choix]} else {$bouton config -fg $hwdb(couleur_texte_bouton)}

# Boîte de changement des paramètres par l'utilisateur.
# Les options "chiffres romains" et nom de couleur reconnues par tk n'apparaissent que si les libs idoines sont installées.
proc options {} {
	global hwdb
	set hwdb(config_en_cours) 1
	if [winfo exists .o] {destroy .o; update ; set hwdb(config_en_cours) 0 ; return}
	toplevel .o
	wm title .o "options $hwdb(script)"
	frame .o.g ; frame .o.d
	label   .o.g.a -text {format de la date}
	label   .o.g.b -text {opacité}
	label   .o.g.c -text {délai de redimensionnement}
#	label   .o.g.c -text {épaisseur du cadre système}
   if [file readable couleurs/vuecouleurs.tcl] {
	checkbutton .o.g.d -text {couleur tk proche} -variable hwdb(noms_couleurs_tk)
   } else {
	label   .o.g.d -text {}
	set hwdb(noms_couleurs_tk) 0
	button  .o.g.e -text "cadran $hwdb(couleur_cadran)"       -command {choix_couleur cadran    .o.g.e} -bg $hwdb(couleur_cadran)
	button  .o.g.f -text "ombres $hwdb(couleur_ombres)"       -command {choix_couleur ombres    .o.g.f} -bg $hwdb(couleur_ombres)
	button  .o.g.g -text "aiguilles $hwdb(couleur_aiguilles)" -command {choix_couleur aiguilles .o.g.g} -bg $hwdb(couleur_aiguilles)
	button  .o.g.h -text "trotteuse $hwdb(couleur_sec)"       -command {choix_couleur sec       .o.g.h} -bg $hwdb(couleur_sec)
	button  .o.g.i -text "chiffres $hwdb(couleur_chiffres)"   -command {choix_couleur chiffres  .o.g.i} -bg $hwdb(couleur_chiffres)
	entry   .o.d.a -textvariable hwdb(format_titre) -justify center
	spinbox .o.d.b -textvariable hwdb(opacite) -justify center -increment .05 -from 0. -to 1.05 -validate key
			-vcmd {catch {wm attributes . -alpha $hwdb(opacite)} ; string is double %P}
	spinbox .o.d.c -textvariable hwdb(delai_configure) -justify center -increment 10 -from 10 -to 500 -validate key -vcmd {string is integer %P}
#	spinbox .o.d.c -textvariable hwdb(bordure_systeme) -justify center -increment 1 -from 0 -to 20 -validate key -vcmd {string is integer %P}

	checkbutton .o.d.d -text {au premier plan} -variable hwdb(premier_plan) -command {wm attributes . -topmost $hwdb(premier_plan)}
	checkbutton .o.d.e -text {fond transparent} -variable hwdb(fond_transparent)
			-command {wm attributes . -transparentcolor [expr {$hwdb(fond_transparent) ? [.c cget -bg] : {}}]}
   if ![catch {package require math::roman}] {
	checkbutton .o.d.f -text {chiffres romains} -variable hwdb(romains) -command stop_change_redemarre
   } else {
   	label       .o.d.f -text {}
	radiobutton .o.d.g -text {électrique (mn) } -value 1 -variable hwdb(electrique)
	radiobutton .o.d.h -text {mécanique (mn)}   -value 0 -variable hwdb(electrique)
	checkbutton  .o.d.i -text console -variable hwdb(console) -command {
		if $hwdb(console) {
			set tcl_prompt1 {puts -nonewline [history nextid] [file nativename [pwd]]> }
			catch {console title "console $hwdb(script)" ; console show}
		} else {
			unset tcl_prompt1
			catch {console hide}
	}	}
	set hwdb(couleur_texte_bouton) [.o.g.a cget -fg]
	bind .o.d.a <Return> {wm title . [clock format [clock seconds] -format $hwdb(format_titre) -locale current]}
	bind .o <F1> {tk_messageBox -title options $hwdb(script) -type ok -message
		" "couleur proche tk" : Choix d'un nom de couleur reconnu par tk plutôt que d'une valeur #rvb,n
		"mécanique" : L'aiguille des minutes progresse chaque seconde." ; focus .o}
	bind .o <Escape> {destroy .o}
	pack .o.g.a .o.g.b .o.g.c .o.g.d .o.g.e .o.g.f .o.g.g .o.g.h .o.g.i -side top -anchor nw -pady 4 -fill x
	pack .o.d.a .o.d.b .o.d.c .o.d.d .o.d.e .o.d.f .o.d.g .o.d.h .o.d.i -side top -anchor nw -pady 5 -fill x
	pack .o.g .o.d -side left -anchor nw -expand 1 -fill x
	if {[file readable substexpands.tcl] && [file readable hwdboptx.tcl]} {source hwdboptx.tcl}
	wm resizable .o 0 0
	focus .o
	set hwdb(config_en_cours) 0

pack [canvas .c -width [expr {2 * $hwdb(rayon)}] -height [expr {2 * $hwdb(rayon)}]] -fill both -expand 1
update idletasks

wm geometry . +[expr {[winfo screenwidth .] - [winfo reqwidth .] - 2 * $hwdb(bordure_systeme)}]+0  ;# à droite et en haut de l'écran
wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {after cancel $hwdb(timer); destroy .} ;# stoppe la temporisation auto-entretenue à la fermeture

bind . <Alt-x> {destroy .} ; bind . <Control-q> {destroy .} ; bind . <Control-d> {destroy .} ; bind . <Control-c> {destroy .}
bind . <F1> {tk_messageBox -title $hwdb(script)  http://tratoxic.free.fr/t/tk.htm#scripts -type ok -message
	{Répond aux clics souris (droite ou gauche) dans les zones affichées}}
bind .c <3> options
bind .c <1> toggle_visu
bind . <Configure> autre_taille_cadran

une_fois_par_seconde 1
focus -force .

# Bogues et limites :
# L'affichage des ombres n'est pas indépendant. Pour en voir dans l'état transparent, il faut appeler les options
# depuis cet état transparent. Parmi les 4 états possibles de transparence, deux sont plutôt des effets de bord.
# Trotteuse et graduations ont la même couleur, ainsi que les aiguilles des heures et des minutes.
# Opacité jusqu'à 1.05 fleure bon la compensation de bogue.
# Dans la proc. choix_couleur, l'usage de vuecouleurs.tcl phagocite le contenu du presse-papiers.
# Non, le script ne se modifie pas lui-même pour garder de nouveaux paramètres optionnels ! "parray hwdb" dans la console ?
# L'étape suivante, un cadran ovale ? avec aiguilles qui changent de longueur au fil du temps :)
# P.S. "Dessine moi un mouton !" Euh, j' sais pas dessiner les moutons, tu veux pas plutôt un cadran d'horloge ?

D) Un explorateur de fichiers

voici le code :

package require Tk
global tcl_platform
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
package require registry
package require opt
} else  {
package require opt    
wm resizable . 0 0
wm title . "TkMC v1.0" 
#Disable default Error messages
proc bgerror {errmsg} {
    global errorInfo errorCode
    set msg [format "Error: %s." $errmsg $errorCode]
    tk_messageBox -parent . -title  "Error" -type ok -icon error -message $msg   
#Proc centering windows
    proc center_win {w} {
    set x [expr [winfo rootx .]+250]
    set y [expr [winfo rooty .]+150]
    wm geometry $w "+$x+$y"
#Proc entry history
namespace eval history {
    proc add? {w} {
        variable $w
        variable n$w
        upvar 0 $w hist
        set s [set ::[$w cget -textvariable]]
        if {$s == ""} return
        if [string compare $s [lindex $hist end]] {
            lappend hist $s
            set n$w [llength $hist]
    proc move {w where} {
        variable $w
        variable n$w
        upvar 0 $w hist
        incr n$w $where
        if {[set n$w]<0} {set n$w 0}
        if {[set n$w]>=[llength $hist]+1} {
            set n$w [llength $hist]
        set ::[$w cget -textvar] [lindex $hist [set n$w]]
    proc for {type name args} {
        switch -- $type {
            entry {
                uplevel $type $name $args
                bind $name <Up> {history::move %W -1}
                bind $name <Down> {history::move %W 1}
                bind $name <Next> {history::move %W 99999}
                bind $name <Return> {history::add? %W}
                variable $name {}
                variable n$name 0
            default {error "usage: history::for entry <w> <args>"}


frame .top
frame .top.f -relief groove -bd 2
pack .top.f -fill x -expand true -side left
foreach x [file volume] {
    button .top.f.f$x -text [file native $x] -font {arial 8 {bold} } -relief groove -command ""
    pack .top.f.f$x -side left
    .top.f.f$x config -command "cd $x ; read_dir_l ; refresh_left" 
#Frame and entry areas for directory names
frame .top2
entry .top2.e_l -relief groove -bg grey80 -cursor arrow -font {arial 8 {bold}}
entry .top2.e_r -relief groove -bg grey80 -cursor arrow -font {arial 8 {bold}}
pack  .top2.e_l .top2.e_r -side left -fill x -expand true

#Fake entry (for some reason it should be exists to separate
#readings from dif directories
entry .fake_l
entry .fake_r
#pack .fake_l .fake_r -side top -fill x

#Buttons,entry, text,scrollbar for text on bottom
frame .bot -relief groove -bd 2
frame .bot.2 -relief groove -bd 2

pack .bot.2 -fill x
entry .bot.2.e_l -bg grey -relief groove -font {arial 8 {bold}}
entry .bot.2.e_r -bg grey -relief groove -font {arial 8 {bold}}
pack .bot.2.e_l .bot.2.e_r -side left -fill x -expand true
text .bot.t -wrap none  -height 10 -bg bisque -fg blue -font {monaco 12 {}} -cursor arrow -yscrollcommand [list .bot.scr set]
scrollbar .bot.scr -orient vertical -command [list .bot.t yview]
history::for entry .bot.comm -font {monaco 12} -bd 1 -bg bisque -cursor arrow -textvariable command_var
pack .bot.scr -side  right -fill y
pack .bot.t  .bot.comm -side top -fill x -expand true

bind .bot.comm <Return> {+ ; .bot.t delete 1.0 end ; 
            .bot.t insert end [exec_cmd [.bot.comm get]]; 
            .bot.comm delete 0 end  ; after 100 focus .bot.comm }
bind .bot.comm <Enter> {focus .bot.comm}        
foreach bot {.b1 .b2 .b3 .b4 .b5 .b6 .b7 .b8 .b9 .b10} {
    button .bot$bot -relief groove 
    pack .bot$bot -side left -fill x -expand true

.bot.b1 config -text "Help F1" -command About
.bot.b2 config -text "Menu F2" -command {}
.bot.b3 config -text "View F3" -command {}
.bot.b4 config -text "Editor F4" -command {editor}
.bot.b5 config -text "Copy F5" -command ""
.bot.b6 config -text "RenMv F6" -command ""
.bot.b7 config -text "MkDir F7"   -command ""
.bot.b8 config -text "Delete F8" -command ""
.bot.b9 config -text "Run Tcl Code F9" -command {focus .bot.t ; run_tcl .bot.t}
.bot.b10 config -text "Exit F10" -command exit
pack .bot -side bottom -fill both -expand true

#Right drive lists
frame .top.f_r -relief groove -bd 2
pack .top.f_r -fill x -expand true -fill x -side left 
foreach x [file volume] {
    button .top.f_r.f$x -text [file native $x] -font {arial 8 {bold} } -relief groove -command ""
    pack .top.f_r.f$x -side left
    .top.f_r.f$x config -command "cd $x ; read_dir_r ; refresh_right"

pack .top -side top -fill x -expand true
pack .top2 -side top -fill x -expand true
#Left listboxes
listbox .l    -bg bisque -width 20 -export no -bd 0 -relief raised -selectmode browse -yscrollcom LBscroll -font {monaco 10}
listbox .sz   -bg bisque -width 8 -export no -bd 0 -selectmode browse -yscrollcom LBscroll -font {monaco 10}
listbox .time -bg bisque -export no -width 15  -bd 0 -selectmode browse -yscrollcom LBscroll -font {monaco 10}
pack .l .sz .time -side left -fill both -expand true
#Right side listboxes
listbox .l_r -bg bisque -width 20 -export no -bd 0 -relief raised -selectmode browse -yscrollcom LBscroll_r -font {monaco 10}
listbox .sz_r  -bg bisque -width 8 -export no -bd 0 -selectmode browse -yscrollcom LBscroll_r -font {monaco 10}
listbox .time_r  -bg bisque  -export no -width 15  -bd 0 -selectmode browse -yscrollcom LBscroll_r -font {monaco 10}
pack .l_r .sz_r .time_r -side left -fill both -expand true
#Fill all listboxes 
proc read_dir_l {} {
#clean all listboxes
.l delete 0 end
.sz delete 0 end
.time delete 0 end
.l insert end ".."
.sz insert end ".."
.time insert end ".."
set dir   [glob -nocomplain ./*]
set files [glob -nocomplain ./*]
set dirs {}
set others {}
set dsize {}
set dtime {}
set fsize {}
set ftime {}
foreach f [lsort -dictionary $files] {
    if { ![file isdirectory $f] && ![file isfile $f] } {
        lappend others [file tail $f]
        lappend fsize "NOT A FILE"
        lappend ftime "------"
    } elseif [file isdirectory $f] {
        lappend dirs [file tail $f]
        lappend dsize "DIR"
        lappend dtime [clock format [file mtime $f] -format {%b-%d-%y %H:%M}]
    } else  {
       lappend others [file tail $f]
       lappend fsize [file size $f]
       lappend ftime [clock format [file mtime $f] -format {%b-%d-%y %H:%M}]
    foreach f [concat $dirs $others]  {
            .l insert end $f
    foreach z [concat $dsize $fsize] {
            .sz insert end $z
    foreach t  [concat $dtime $ftime] {
       .time insert end $t 
    .top2.e_l delete 0 end
    .top2.e_l insert end [file native [pwd]]
    .fake_l delete 0 end
    .fake_l insert end [pwd]
#Fill right listboxes
proc read_dir_r {} {
#clean all listboxes
.l_r delete 0 end
.sz_r delete 0 end
.time_r delete 0 end
.l_r insert end ".."
.sz_r insert end ".."
.time_r insert end ".."
set dir_r   [glob -nocomplain ./*]
set files_r [glob -nocomplain ./*]
set dirs_r   {}
set others_r {}
set dsize_r  {}
set dtime_r  {}
set fsize_r  {}
set ftime_r  {}
foreach f [lsort -dictionary $files_r] {
    if { ![file isdirectory $f] && ![file isfile $f] } {
        lappend others_r [file tail $f]
        lappend fsize_r "NOT A FILE"
        lappend ftime_r "------"
    } elseif [file isdirectory $f] {
        lappend dirs_r [file tail $f]
        lappend dsize_r "DIR"
        lappend dtime_r [clock format [file mtime $f] -format {%b-%d-%y %H:%M}]
    } else  {
       lappend others_r [file tail $f]
       lappend fsize_r [file size $f]
       lappend ftime_r [clock format [file mtime $f] -format {%b-%d-%y %H:%M}]
    foreach f [concat $dirs_r $others_r]  {
            .l_r insert end $f
    foreach z [concat $dsize_r $fsize_r] {
            .sz_r insert end $z    
    foreach t  [concat $dtime_r $ftime_r] {
       .time_r insert end $t    
    .top2.e_r delete 0 end
    .top2.e_r insert end [file native [pwd]]
    .fake_r delete 0 end
    .fake_r insert end [pwd]


#Left scroolbar and procs to scroll
scrollbar .sy -orient v -command "LBset yview"
pack .sy -fill y -after .time -side left

proc LBset args {
    foreach lb {.l .sz .time} {
        eval $lb $args
proc LBscroll args {
    eval .sy set $args
    LBset yview moveto [lindex $args 0]

foreach lb {.l .sz .time} {
    bind $lb <ButtonPress-1> {
        LBset select clear 0 end
        LBset select set [%W nearest %y]
        set show [.l curselection]
        .bot.2.e_l delete 0 end
        .bot.2.e_l insert end [.l get $show ] 
    bind $lb <B1-Motion> {
        LBset select clear 0 end
        LBset select set [%W nearest %y]
        LBset see [%W nearest %y]
        set show [.l curselection]
        .bot.2.e_l delete 0 end
        .bot.2.e_l insert end [.l get $show ] 
    bind $lb <ButtonRelease-1> {
        LBset select clear 0 end
        LBset select set [%W nearest %y]
        set show [.l curselection]
        .bot.2.e_l delete 0 end
        .bot.2.e_l insert end [.l get $show ]      

#Right scroolbar and proc for scroll
scrollbar .sy_r -orient v -command "LBset_r yview"
pack .sy_r -fill y -after .time_r -side right

proc LBset_r args {
    foreach lb_r {.l_r .sz_r .time_r} {
        eval $lb_r $args
proc LBscroll_r args  {
    eval .sy_r set $args 
    LBset_r yview moveto [lindex $args 0]

foreach lb_r {.l_r .sz_r .time_r} {
    bind $lb_r <ButtonPress-1> {
        LBset_r select clear 0 end
        LBset_r select set [%W nearest %y]
        set show [.l_r curselection]
        .bot.2.e_r delete 0 end
        .bot.2.e_r insert end [.l_r get $show ] 
    bind $lb_r <B1-Motion> {
        LBset_r select clear 0 end
        LBset_r select set [%W nearest %y]
        LBset_r see [%W nearest %y]
         set show [.l_r curselection]
        .bot.2.e_r delete 0 end
        .bot.2.e_r insert end [.l_r get $show ] 
    bind $lb_r <ButtonRelease-1> {
        LBset_r select clear 0 end
        LBset_r select set [%W nearest %y]
        set show [.l_r curselection]
        .bot.2.e_r delete 0 end
        .bot.2.e_r insert end [.l_r get $show ] 

#Proc to show file names on bottom entry right and left
#Scroll selected lines in all listboxes in left

proc showItemDown {w w2} {
    set item [$w curselection]
    set item2 [expr $item+1]
    $w2 delete 0 end; 
    $w2 insert end [$w get $item2]
    foreach sel {.l .sz .time} {
    $sel selection clear $item
    $sel selection set $item2 ; $sel selection clear $item

proc showItemUp {w w2} {
    set item [$w curselection]
    set item2 [expr $item-1]
    $w2 delete 0 end; 
    $w2 insert end [$w get $item2]
     foreach sel {.l .sz .time} {
    $sel selection clear $item
    $sel selection set $item2 ; $sel selection clear $item


#Proc to scroll all selection in right side

proc showItemDown_r {w w2} {
    set item [$w curselection]
    set item2 [expr $item+1]
    $w2 delete 0 end; 
    $w2 insert end [$w get $item2]
    foreach sel {.l_r .sz_r .time_r} {
    $sel selection clear $item
    $sel selection set $item2 ; $sel selection clear $item

proc showItemUp_r {w w2} {
    set item [$w curselection]
    set item2 [expr $item-1]
    $w2 delete 0 end; 
    $w2 insert end [$w get $item2]
     foreach sel {.l_r .sz_r .time_r} {
    $sel selection clear $item
    $sel selection set $item2 ; $sel selection clear $item


proc edit_file {w} {
    global fileex
    set fileex  [$w get active]
    if [file isdirectory $fileex] {
       tk_messageBox -parent . -title  "Error" -type ok -icon error -message "This is directory" 
    } else  {
     set openfile [open $fileex "r"] 
    .ed.text.t delete 1.0 end
    .ed.text.t insert end [read $openfile]
    close $openfile

#Proc to change left directory list
proc read_left {} {
    #focus .l
    global fileex
    set old_dir [.fake_l get]
    cd $old_dir
    set dir  [.l get active]
    if [file isdirectory $dir] {
    cd $dir ; read_dir_l
    .l selection set 0; .sz selection set 0; .time selection set 0
    .l activate 0
    .top2.e_l delete 0 end
    .top2.e_l insert end [file native [pwd]]
    } else  {
    set fileex  [.l get active]
    if [file executable $fileex] {
    catch {exec $fileex &} result
    #.bot.t insert end [eval exec command /c $fileex]
    if {[id_giffile] == 1}  {
     img_view $fileex
    if {[id_txtfile] == 1} {
    set openfile [open $fileex "r"] 
    .bot.t delete 1.0 end
    .bot.t insert end [read $openfile]
    close $openfile
    if {[id_tclfile] == 1} {
        set dir [pwd]
        showTcl $dir/$fileex
    if {[id_htmlfile] == 1} {
        set dir [pwd]
        showHtml $dir/$fileex

proc read_right {} {
# Get selected list item
    global fileex
    focus .l_r
    set old_dir [.fake_r get]
    cd $old_dir
    set dir_r  [.l_r get active]
    if [file isdirectory $dir_r] {
    cd $dir_r ; read_dir_r
    .l_r selection set 0; .sz_r selection set 0; .time_r selection set 0
    .top2.e_r delete 0 end
    .top2.e_r insert end [file native [pwd]]
    } else  {
    set fileex  [.l_r get active]
    if [file executable $fileex] {
         catch {exec $fileex &} result
    #.bot.t insert end [eval exec command /c $fileex] 
    if {[id_giffile] == 1}  {
     img_view $fileex 
    if {[id_txtfile] == 1} {
    set openfile [open $fileex "r"] 
    .bot.t delete 1.0 end
    .bot.t insert end [read $openfile]
    close $openfile
    if {[id_tclfile] == 1} {
        set dir [pwd]
        showTcl $dir/$fileex
    if {[id_htmlfile] == 1} {
        set dir [pwd]
        showHtml $dir/$fileex
proc copy_file_to_r {} {
    set file_l  [.l get active]
    set left_dir [.fake_l get]
    set right_dir [.fake_r get]
    set choise [tk_messageBox -parent . -type yesno -default yes 
            -message "Copyn [file native $left_dir/$file_l]nton 
           [file native $right_dir]" 
                    -icon question]
        if {$choise == "yes"} {
    if [file isdirectory $file_l] {
         file copy -force $left_dir/$file_l $right_dir
            refresh_right ; refresh_left 
            cd [.fake_l get]
    } else  {
        file copy $left_dir/$file_l $right_dir
        after 100 refresh_left; refresh_right
        cd [.fake_l get]
proc copy_file_to_l {} {
    set file_r [.l_r get active]
    set left_dir [.fake_l get]
    set right_dir [.fake_r get]
    set choise [tk_messageBox -parent . -type yesno -default yes 
            -message "Copyn [file native $right_dir/$file_r] nton 
            [file native $left_dir]" 
                    -icon question]
        if {$choise == "yes"} {
       if [file isdirectory $file_r] {
            file copy $right_dir/$file_r $left_dir;
            refresh_left ; refresh_right
            cd [.fake_r get] 
    } else  {
        file copy $right_dir/$file_r $left_dir
        cd [.fake_r get]     
#Rename move files and Directories
proc ren_move {w} {
    catch [destroy .move]
    toplevel .move
    wm resizable .move 0 0
    wm title .move "Rename"
    grab .move
    center_win .move
    global file_move
    set file_move [$w get active]
    label .move.l -text "Current name is: n$file_move nn Enter new name:  " -relief groove -font {arial 8 {bold}}
    entry .move.e -font {arial 8 {bold}}
    .move.e insert end $file_move
    focus .move.e
    frame .move.ok -relief sunken -bd 2
    button .move.ok.ok -text "  Ok  " -padx 10 -pady 5 -command {file rename $file_move [.move.e get]; 
    after 1 "refresh_right; refresh_left; destroy .move"}
    button .move.cancel -text Cancel -command "destroy .move"
    pack .move.l .move.e  -side top -fill x -expand true
    pack .move.ok .move.ok.ok .move.cancel -side left -padx 10 -pady 5
    bind .move.e <Return> {file rename $file_move [.move.e get]; 
    after 30 refresh_right; refresh_left; after 35 destroy .move }    
proc delete_file_l {} {
    set file_l    [.l get active]
    set left_dir  [.fake_l get]
    if [file isdirectory $file_l] {
    set cur [.l curselection]
        set question [tk_messageBox -type okcancel -default cancel 
        -message "   Delete directory and files in n   [file native $left_dir/$file_l]" 
        -icon question]
        switch -- $question {
            ok  { file delete -force $file_l ; refresh_left ; refresh_right}
} else  {
            set cur [.l curselection]
            set question [tk_messageBox -type okcancel -default cancel 
        -message "   Delete files n  [file native $left_dir/$file_l]" 
        -icon question]
        switch -- $question {
            ok  { file delete $left_dir/$file_l; refresh_left; refresh_right}
        #.l selection set $curent
        #.l see $curent
proc delete_file_r {} {
    set file_r  [.l_r get active]
    set right_dir [.fake_r get]
    if [file isdirectory $file_r] {
        set curent [.l_r curselection]
        set question [tk_messageBox -type okcancel -default cancel 
        -message "   Delete directory and files in n   [file native $right_dir/$file_r] " 
        -icon question]
        switch -- $question {
            ok  { file delete -force $file_r ;
                   refresh_left ; refresh_right }

    } else  {
        set curent [.l_r curselection]
        set question [tk_messageBox -type okcancel -default cancel 
        -message "   Delete files n [file native $right_dir/$file_r]" 
        -icon question]
        switch -- $question {
            ok  {  file delete $right_dir/$file_r;
                   refresh_right; refresh_left }

proc mk_dir {w} {
    catch [destroy .mkdir]
    toplevel .mkdir
    wm resizable .mkdir 0 0
    wm title .mkdir "Create new Directory"
    grab .mkdir
    center_win .mkdir
    label .mkdir.l -text "  Current directory is: n[file native [pwd]] nn Enter new directory name   " -relief groove -font {arial 8 {bold}}
    entry .mkdir.e -font {arial 8 {bold}}
    focus .mkdir.e
    frame .mkdir.ok -relief sunken -bd 2
    button .mkdir.ok.ok -text "  Ok  " -padx 10 -pady 5 -command {file mkdir [.mkdir.e get]; 
    after 1 "refresh_right; refresh_left; destroy .mkdir"}
    button .mkdir.cancel -text Cancel -command "destroy .mkdir"
    pack .mkdir.l .mkdir.e  -side top -fill x -expand true
    pack .mkdir.ok .mkdir.ok.ok .mkdir.cancel -side left -padx 10 -pady 5
    bind .mkdir.e <Return> {file mkdir [.mkdir.e get]; 
    after 30 refresh_right; refresh_left; after 35 destroy .mkdir }
#end mk_dir
proc find_win {w} {

catch [destroy .find]
        toplevel .find
        center_win .find
        wm title .find "Find"
        wm resizable .find 0 0
        grab .find
        label .find.l -text "tCurrent directory is:tnt[file native [pwd]]ttnnSearch Filename:" -relief groove -font {arial 10 {bold}}
        entry .find.e
        pack .find.l .find.e -fill x
        focus .find.e
        frame .find.ok -relief sunken -bd 1
        button .find.ok.ok -padx 10 -pady 5 -text Find 
                -command {.bot.t delete 1.0 end ; find_file [pwd] [.find.e get] ; 
                destroy .find}
        button .find.cancel -text Cancel -command "destroy .find"
        pack .find.ok .find.ok.ok .find.cancel -side left -padx 10 -pady 5
#Proc find file
    proc find_file { startDir namePat} {
        #set namePat [.find.e get]
        set pwd [pwd]
        if [catch {cd $startDir} err] {
            puts stderr $err
        foreach match [glob -nocomplain -- $namePat] {
            .bot.t insert end "[file native $startDir/$match]n"
            if {$namePat != $match } {
               #.bot.t insert end "$startDir$matchn" 
            #.bot.t insert end "no match"
        } else {
               #.bot.t insert end "no files found" 
        foreach file [glob -nocomplain *] {
            if [file isdirectory $file] {
                find_file $startDir/$file $namePat
        cd $pwd

#Refresh left listbox after copy or deleting a file
proc refresh_left {} {
        set left_dir  [.fake_l get]
        set cur [.l curselection]
        if {$cur == "" } {
            focus .l
    after 3 ".l selection set 0 ; .sz selection set 0 ; .time selection set 0"
    .l see 0
    .l activate 0
    } else  {
     cd $left_dir ; read_dir_l
    .l selection set $cur ; .sz selection set $cur ; .time selection set $cur
    .l see $cur
    .l activate $cur
    .top2.e_l delete 0 end
    .bot.2.e_l delete 0 end
    .top2.e_l insert end [file native [pwd]]

proc refresh_right {} {
     set right_dir [.fake_r get]
     set cur [.l_r curselection]   
     if {$cur == ""} {
        .l_r selection set 0 ; .sz_r selection set 0; .time_r selection set 0
        .l_r see 0
        .l_r activate 0
    } else  {   
        cd $right_dir ; read_dir_r
    .l_r selection set $cur; .sz_r selection set $cur; .time_r selection set $cur
    .l_r see $cur
    .l_r activate $cur
    .top2.e_r delete 0 end
    .bot.2.e_r delete 0 end
    .top2.e_r insert end [file native [pwd]]
proc viewFile {w} {
    #global fileex
    set fileex [$w get active]
       if [file isdirectory $fileex] {
       tk_messageBox -parent . -title  "Error" -type ok -icon error -message "This is directory" 
    } else  { 
     set openfile [open $fileex "r"] 
    .bot.t delete 1.0 end
    .bot.t insert end [read $openfile]
    close $openfile


#Bindings global
#bind .bot.t <Enter> "focus .bot.t"
bind . <F4> "editor"
bind . <F9> {focus .bot.t ; run_tcl .bot.t}

#Bindings keys for left side
foreach bind_left { .l .sz .time} {
    bind $bind_left <Enter>  {focus .l ; set old_dir [.fake_l get] ; cd $old_dir ; 
     .bot.b2 config -command {}; 
     .bot.b3 config -command {viewFile .l} ; 
     .bot.b5 config -command copy_file_to_r ; 
     .bot.b6 config -command {ren_move .l} ; 
     .bot.b7 config -command {mk_dir .l} ; 
     .bot.b8 config -command delete_file_l}

bind .l   <Double-Button-1> "read_left;"
bind .l   <Return> {read_left}
bind .l <Down> {showItemDown .l .bot.2.e_l}
bind .l <Up>   {showItemUp .l .bot.2.e_l}
bind .l <KeyPress-r> "focus .l_r"
bind .l <F3> {viewFile .l}
bind .l <F5> copy_file_to_r
bind .l <F6> {ren_move .l}
bind .l <F7> {mk_dir .l}
bind .l <F8> delete_file_l
#Bindings keys for right side
bind .l_r <Double-Button-1> "read_right"
bind .l_r <Return> {read_right}
foreach bind_right {.l_r .sz_r .time_r} {
bind $bind_right  <Enter> {focus .l_r;  set old_dir [.fake_r get] ; cd $old_dir ; 
            .bot.b3 config -command {viewFile .l_r}; 
            .bot.b8 config -command delete_file_r; 
            .bot.b5 config -command copy_file_to_l ; 
            .bot.b6 config -command {ren_move .l_r} ; 
            .bot.b7 config -command {mk_dir .l_r}}
bind .l_r <KeyPress-r> "focus .l"
bind .l_r <F3> {viewFile .l_r}
bind .l_r <F5> copy_file_to_l
bind .l_r <F6> {ren_move .l_r}
bind .l_r <F7> {mk_dir .l_r}
bind .l_r <F8> delete_file_r
bind .l_r <Down> {showItemDown_r .l_r .bot.2.e_r}
bind .l_r <Up> {showItemUp_r .l_r .bot.2.e_r}
#Txt, ASCII and bat files  viewer 
proc id_allfiles {} {
    global fileex
        set ext_txt [file extension $fileex]
        switch $ext_txt {
            .doc  {return 1}
            .txt  {return 1}
            .jpeg  {return 1}
            .jpg  {return 1}
            .txt    {return 1}
             .htm     {return 1}
            .html    {return 1}
        return 0
proc id_txtfile {} {
        global fileex
        set ext_txt [file extension $fileex]
        switch $ext_txt {
            .txt  {return 1}
            .TXT  {return 1}
            .bat  {return 1}
            .BAT  {return 1}
            .c    {return 1}
            .C    {return 1}
            .h    {return 1}
            .H    {return 1}
        return 0
 proc id_tclfile {} {
        global fileex
        set ext_tcl [file extension $fileex]
        switch $ext_tcl {
            .tcl  {return 1}
            .TCL  {return 1}
            .tk  {return 1}
            .TK  {return 1}
        return 0
proc id_giffile {} {
        global fileex
        set ext_gif [file extension $fileex]
        switch $ext_gif {
            .gif  {return 1}
            .GIF  {return 1}
            .jpeg {return 1}
            .jpg  {return 1}
            .JPEG {return 1}
            .JPG  {return 1}
            .tif  {return 1}
        return 0

proc id_htmlfile {} {
        global fileex
        set ext_html [file extension $fileex]
        switch $ext_html {
            .htm  {return 1}
            .html  {return 1}
            .HTM {return 1}
            .HTML  {return 1}
        return 0
#Proc file atributes and properties
proc fileprop pathname {
    set padx 6
    if {$pathname=="."} {set pathname [pwd]}
    set pathname [file join [pwd] $pathname]
    set checkbuttons [list]
    file stat $pathname a ;# may error out if no such file
    set w .[clock clicks]
    set ::$w(dir) [file dir $pathname]
    set ::$w(file) [file tail $pathname]
    toplevel $w
    grab $w
    wm title $w [file nativename $pathname]
    wm resizable $w 0 0
    wm geometry $w +300+150
    set size [file size $pathname]
     if {$size < 0} {
        set size [format "%2.2f GB" [expr ($size/-1024.0)/-1024.0/-1024.0*10.0]]
    } else  {
     if {$size > 1073741824.0} {
        set size [format "%2.2f GB" [expr ($size/1024.0)/1024.0/1024.0]]
    } else  {
    if { $size > 1048576.0 } {
        set size [format "%2.2f MB" [expr ($size/1024.0) /1024.0 ]]
    } else  {
    if {$size > 1024} {
        set size [ format "%2.2f KB" [expr $size / 1024.0 ]]
set textual [list Name [file tail $pathname]  
        Directory [file nativename [file dir $pathname]] 
        Type [file type $pathname]
        Size $size 
        Created [date,time $a(ctime)]
        "Last modified" [date,time $a(mtime)]
        "Last accessed" [date,time $a(atime)]
    foreach {name value} [file attr $pathname] {
        if [regexp {^[01]$} $value] {
            lappend checkbuttons $name $value
        } else {
            lappend textual  $name [file nativename $value]
    set n 0
    foreach {name value} $textual {
        grid [label $w.${n}n -text $name:] [label $w.${n}v -text $value]
                -sticky w -padx $padx
        incr n
    grid [hr $w.$n]  -sticky we -columnspan 2 -padx $padx -pady 6
    set n0 [incr n]
    foreach {name value} $checkbuttons {
        incr n
        set ::$w($name) $value
        grid [checkbutton $w.$n -text $name -var $w($name) -borderwidth 0]
                -sticky w -col 1 -padx $padx
    grid [label $w.att -text Attributes:]
            -row $n0 -sticky w -padx $padx
    grid [hbuttons $w.b [list 
            OK     "fileprop:apply $w;  destroy $w; unset $w" 
            Cancel "destroy $w; unset $w" 
            Apply  "fileprop:apply $w" 
            ]] -col 1 -padx $padx
    wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $w; unset $w"
    focus $w
proc fileprop:apply {w} {
    upvar #0 $w a
    set cmd [list file attributes [file join $a(dir) $a(file)]]
    foreach {name value} [array get a] {
        if [regexp {^-} $name] {lappend cmd $name $value}
    eval $cmd
proc hbuttons {w tc} {
    frame $w
    set n 1
    foreach {t c} $tc {
        button $w.$n -text $t -command $c -width 8
        incr n
    eval pack [winfo children $w] -side left -padx 3 -pady 6
            -fill x -anchor e
    return $w
proc hr {w} {frame $w -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken}
proc date,time {{when {}}} {
    if {$when == ""} {set when [clock seconds]}
    return [clock format $when -format "%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S"]

#Proc popup menus

proc pop_upmen_l {w} {
    global act
    set act [$w curselection]
    menu .popup_l -tearoff 0
    .popup_l add separator
    .popup_l add command -label Info -command  {fileprop [.bot.2.e_l get]}
    .popup_l add separator
    .popup_l add command -label View -command   "viewFile .l"
    .popup_l add command -label Edit -command   "edit_file .l"
    .popup_l add separator
    .popup_l add command -label Find -command  {find_win .l}
    .popup_l add command -label Copy   -command copy_file_to_r
    .popup_l add command -label NewDir   -command "mk_dir .l"
    .popup_l add separator
    .popup_l add command -label Rename -command "ren_move .l"
    .popup_l add command -label Delete -command delete_file_l
    .popup_l add separator
bind $w <ButtonPress-3>  {tk_popup .popup_l %X %Y  }

proc pop_upmen_r {w} {
    global act
     set act [$w curselection]
    menu .popup_r -tearoff 0
    .popup_r add separator
    .popup_r add command -label Info -command  {fileprop [.bot.2.e_r get]}
    .popup_r add separator
    .popup_r add command -label View -command   "viewFile .l_r"
    .popup_r add command -label Edit -command   "edit_file .l_r"
    .popup_r add separator
    .popup_r add command -label Find -command  {find_win .r}
    .popup_r add command -label Copy   -command copy_file_to_l
    .popup_r add command -label NewDir   -command "mk_dir .l_r"
    .popup_r add separator
    .popup_r add command -label Rename -command "ren_move .l_r"
    .popup_r add command -label Delete -command delete_file_r
    .popup_r add separator
bind $w <ButtonPress-3>  {tk_popup .popup_r %X %Y  }

pop_upmen_l .l 
pop_upmen_r .l_r
#Image viewer procs
#Var set
set i 1
set im 1
#image viewer procedure
proc img_view {fileex} {
global i
global im
incr i
incr im
toplevel .img$i
wm title .img$i $fileex
#wm minsize .img$i 800 640
image create photo $im
$im read $fileex
set im_y [image height $im]
set im_x [image width $im]
wm minsize .img$i 200 100
canvas .img$i.c -relief groove -bd 2 -scrollregion {0 0 3000 3000} 
        -yscrollcommand [list .img$i.scr set] 
        -xscrollcommand [list .img$i.xscr set]
scrollbar .img$i.scr -orient vertical -command [list .img$i.c yview]
scrollbar .img$i.xscr -orient horizontal -command [list .img$i.c xview]
.img$i.c create image 5 5 -image $im -anchor nw 
pack .img$i.scr -side right -fill y
pack .img$i.xscr -side bottom -fill x
pack .img$i.c -side left  -fill both -expand true
#Procedure to run command from entry
proc exec_cmd {command} {
global tcl_platform
set result " "
set check_cmd [lindex $command 0] 
set cmd [info commands $check_cmd]
if {[string length $cmd ] > 0} {
    .bot.t insert end [set result [eval $command]]
    } else  {
    if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
    eval exec command /c [.bot.comm get]
    } else {
    eval exec [.bot.comm get] 
#Procedure for running tcl from text widgets
proc run_tcl {w} {
        if {[interp exists eval_env]}  {
        interp delete eval_env
        run_tcl $w     
    } else  {
    interp create eval_env
    load {} Tk eval_env
    set all [$w get 1.0 end]
    eval_env eval $all


#Registry procedure
#Evaluate file extensions and execute applcation
::tcl::OptProc perSub {
    {string  -string "" "String to work on"}
    {pattern -string "" "What to substitute for, e.g., %v"}
    {subst   -string "" "What to put in for $pattern"}
    {args    -list   {} "More pattern/subst pairs"}
} {
    # Add the required instances to the optional list
    set args [linsert $args 0 $pattern $subst]

    # Process the list
    foreach {pattern subst} $args {
        # Validate pattern
        if { ! [string match %* $pattern]} {
            error "Bad pattern <<$pattern>>: Should be %something"

        # Escape dangerous characters ('' and '&') in substitution string
        regsub -all {\|&} $subst {\0} subst

        # Do substitutions on string
        regsub -all $pattern $string $subst string
    # foreach

    return $string

proc showHtml  {htmlFile} {
    global tcl_platform
    if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
    set root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
    set appKey [registry get $root\.html ""]
    set appCmd [registry get 
            $root\$appKey\shell\open\command ""]
            set appCmd [perSub $appCmd %1 $htmlFile]
            regsub -all {\} $appCmd {\\} appCmd
            eval exec $appCmd &
} else  {
proc showTcl {tclFile} {
    global tcl_platform
    if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
    set root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
    set appKey [registry get $root\.tcl ""]
    set appCmd [registry get 
            $root\$appKey\shell\open\command ""]
            set appCmd [perSub $appCmd %1 $tclFile]
            regsub -all {\} $appCmd {\\} appCmd
            eval exec $appCmd &
} else  {
proc editor {} {
catch [destroy .ed]
toplevel .ed
wm resizable .ed 0 0
wm title .ed "TclMC Editor"
menu .ed.menubar -relief raised -borderwidth 1
menu .ed.menubar.file -tearoff 0
 .ed.menubar add cascade -label "File" -menu .ed.menubar.file -underline 0
.ed.menubar.file add separator
.ed.menubar.file add command -label "New" -command {clear_all .ed.text.t}
.ed.menubar.file add separator
.ed.menubar.file add command -label "Open" 
-command {clear_all .ed.text.t ; textOpen}

.ed.menubar.file add separator
.ed.menubar.file add command -label "Close" 
-command {clear_all .ed.text.t}

.ed.menubar.file add separator
.ed.menubar.file add command -label "Save as..." 
-command {textSaveAs}

.ed.menubar.file add separator
.ed.menubar.file add command -label "Print" 
    -command {printFormat}

.ed.menubar.file add separator
.ed.menubar.file add command -label "Exit" 
-command {bell ; prompt_close .}
.ed.menubar add cascade -label "Edit" -menu .ed.menubar.editt -underline 0
menu .ed.menubar.editt -tearoff 0
.ed.menubar.editt add separator
.ed.menubar.editt add command -label "Select All" -command {.ed.text.t tag add sel 1.0 end}
.ed.menubar.editt add separator
.ed.menubar.editt add command -label "Copy" -command {tk_textCopy .ed.text.t}
.ed.menubar.editt add separator
.ed.menubar.editt add command -label "Paste" -command "tk_textPaste .ed.text.t"
.ed.menubar.editt add separator
.ed.menubar.editt add command -label "Cut" -command "tk_textCut .ed.text.t"
.ed.menubar.editt add separator
.ed.menubar.editt add command -label "Clear" -command "clear_all .ed.text.t"
.ed.menubar.editt add separator
.ed.menubar add cascade -label "Test Tcl" -menu .ed.menubar.run -underline 0
menu .ed.menubar.run -tearoff 0
.ed.menubar.run add separator
.ed.menubar.run add command -label "Run Tcl" -command {run_tcl .ed.text.t}
.ed.menubar.run add separator
.ed.menubar add cascade -label "Font Size" -menu .ed.menubar.font -underline 0
menu .ed.menubar.font -tearoff 0
.ed.menubar.font add separator
.ed.menubar.font add command  -label "Small" -command ".ed.text.t config -font {Monaco 8 {}}" 
.ed.menubar.font add separator
.ed.menubar.font add command  -label "Medium" -command ".ed.text.t config -font {Monaco 9 {}}" 
.ed.menubar.font add separator
.ed.menubar.font add command  -label "Large" -command ".ed.text.t config -font {Monaco 12 {}}" 

.ed.menubar add cascade -label "Help" -menu .ed.menubar.help -underline 0
menu .ed.menubar.help -tearoff 0
.ed.menubar.help add separator
.ed.menubar.help add command -label "Help" -command {About}
.ed.menubar.help add separator
.ed.menubar.help add command -label "About" -command {About}

.ed conf -menu .ed.menubar

proc clear_all { widgetname } {
$widgetname delete 1.0 end

proc textOpen { { fn ""} } {
    global .ed.text.t
    set types {
        {{All Files}    *}
        {{Text Files}   {.txt}}
    if {
        [string match {} $fn] &&
        ([catch {tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types 
            -title "Source File" -parent .ed} fn] || [string match {} $fn])
    } { return }
    set fp [open $fn]
    while {![eof $fp]} {
    .ed.text.t insert end [read $fp]
close $fp

# Handles window manager Close choice.

proc prompt_close { widgetname } {

    # If main window, prompt.
    if { $widgetname == "." } {
        set result [tk_messageBox -parent .ed 
                -title {Exit?} -type yesno
                -icon warning 
                -message "Do you really want to quit?"]

        if { $result == "yes" } {
            destroy .ed
    } else {
        # Not the main window, destroy it.
        destroy $widgetname


wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW "prompt_close .ed"

#save as command
proc textSaveAs {} {
    global .ed.text.t
        set types {
            {{Tcl Files}        {.tcl}}
            {{Text Files}       {.txt}}
            {{All Files}        *}
        set filename [tk_getSaveFile -title "Save as..." -filetypes $types]
    if {$filename !=""} {
    set file_open [open $filename w]
    puts -nonewline $file_open [.ed.text.t get 1.0 end] 
    close $file_open
#Print using ms Write application
proc printFormat {} {
    global tcl_platform
    if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
if {[file exists c:/windows/write.exe]} {
set file [open c:/tmp/out.txt w]
puts $file [.ed.text.t get 1.0 end]
close $file
exec start /m write /p c:/tmp/out.txt &
} else {

if {[file exists c:/progra~1/accessories/wordpad.exe]} {
set file [open c:/tmp/out.txt w]
puts $file [.ed.text.t get 1.0 end]
close $file
exec start /m c:/progra~1/accessories/wordpad.exe /p c:/tmp/out.txt &
} else {

if {[file exists c:/winnt/system32/write.exe]} {
set file [open c:/tmp/out.txt w]
puts $file [.ed.text.t get 1.0 end]
close $file
exec c:/winnt/system32/write.exe /p c:/tmp/out.txt &

} else {
catch [destroy .formated]
toplevel .formated
wm title .formated ""
wm resizable .formated 0 0
label .formated.l -text "You need install MS Windows n
WordPad application!n
Press Ok button to continue" 
-relief groove
button .formated.b -text Ok -command "destroy .formated"
pack .formated.l -side top
pack .formated.b -side bottom

#Image Buttons
set imnew {

#End New
#Open button image
set imopen {
#End open image
#Save Image
set imsave {

#End Save Image
#image Select all
set imselectall {


#end image Select all
#Copy Image
set imcopy {

#End Copy Image
#Image Cut
set imcut {
#End Image Cut
#Image Paste
set impaste {

#End Image Past
#Image Ptint
set imprint {


#End Pint Image
#Image Protocol

set improtocol {


#Emd Img Protocol
#Image Chart Loader
set imchart {


#End Loader
#Image Image loader
set imeye {


#Image Help
set imhelp {


#End Image Help
image create photo imnew -data $imnew -gamma 1 -height 16 -width 16 -palette 5/5/4
image create photo imopen -data $imopen -gamma 1 -height 16 -width 16 -palette 5/5/4
image create photo imsave -data $imsave -gamma 1 -height 16 -width 16 -palette 5/5/4
image create photo imselectall -data $imselectall
#-gamma 1  -palette 5/5/4

image create photo imcopy -data $imcopy -gamma 1 -height 16 -width 16 -palette 5/5/4
image create photo imcut -data $imcut -gamma 1 -height 16 -width 16 -palette 5/5/4
image create photo impaste -data $impaste -gamma 1 -height 16 -width 16 -palette 5/5/4
image create photo imprint -data $imprint 
image create photo improtocol -data $improtocol  
image create photo imchart -data $imchart  
image create photo imeye -data $imeye   
image create photo imhelp -data $imhelp  

frame .ed.menubuttons -relief groove -borderwidth 1
pack .ed.menubuttons -side top  -fill x -expand yes
button .ed.menubuttons.new  -image imnew -command {clear_all .ed.text.t}
button .ed.menubuttons.open -image imopen -command "clear_all .ed.text.t ; textOpen"
button .ed.menubuttons.save -image imsave -command "textSaveAs"
button .ed.menubuttons.selectall -image imselectall -height 16 -width 16 -command {.ed.text.t tag add sel 1.0 end}

button .ed.menubuttons.copy -image imcopy -command {tk_textCopy .ed.text.t}
button .ed.menubuttons.cut -image imcut   -command "tk_textCut .ed.text.t"
button .ed.menubuttons.paste -image impaste -command "tk_textPaste .ed.text.t"
button .ed.menubuttons.print -image imprint -command "printFormat" -width 16 -height 16
button .ed.menubuttons.run -image improtocol -command {run_tcl .ed.text.t} -width 16 -height 16
button .ed.menubuttons.help -image imhelp -command "About"  -width 16 -height 16

label .ed.menubuttons.l -text "" -font {Arial 8 normal}
pack   .ed.menubuttons.new .ed.menubuttons.open .ed.menubuttons.save 
.ed.menubuttons.print .ed.menubuttons.selectall .ed.menubuttons.copy 
.ed.menubuttons.cut .ed.menubuttons.paste .ed.menubuttons.run .ed.menubuttons.help -side left -fill x
pack .ed.menubuttons.l -side left -fill x

bind .ed.menubuttons.new <Enter> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {New}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.new <Leave> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.open <Enter> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {Open File}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.open <Leave> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.save <Enter> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {Save as...}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.save <Leave> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.selectall <Enter> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {Select all}" 
bind .ed.menubuttons.selectall <Leave> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.copy <Enter> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {Copy selected text}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.copy <Leave> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.cut <Enter> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {Cut selected text}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.cut <Leave> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.paste <Enter> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {Paste selected text}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.paste <Leave> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.print <Enter> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {Print formated text}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.print <Leave> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.run <Enter> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {Run Tcl}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.help   <Enter> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {Help}"
bind .ed.menubuttons.help <Leave> ".ed.menubuttons.l config -text {}"

#Text widget
frame .ed.text
text .ed.text.t -wrap none -font {monaco 12} -cursor arrow -yscrollcommand {.ed.text.scrl set} 
               -xscrollcommand  {.ed.text.scrl2 set}
scrollbar .ed.text.scrl -command ".ed.text.t yview"
scrollbar .ed.text.scrl2 -command ".ed.text.t xview" -orient hor
pack .ed.text.scrl -side right -fill y
pack .ed.text.scrl2 -side bottom -fill x
pack .ed.text.t -fill both -expand yes
pack .ed.text -side left -fill both -expand true
bind .ed.text <Enter> "focus .ed.text"

proc About {} {
    catch [destroy .about]
    toplevel .about
    wm resizable .about 0 0
    center_win .about
    grab .about
    label .about.l -relief groove -bd 3 -font {arial 11 {bold}} -text "n TkMC v1.0n Author: Grigoriy Abramovn 
            System Administrator of The Center For Population Economics n 
            The University of Chicagon 
                 Questions and bug report send to: n 
            gabramov@cpe.uchicago.edun "
           pack .about.l 
    bind .about <Enter> "destroy .about"

E) Un bloc note

voici le code:

#! /usr/local/tcl/bin/wish

# ---- faire le menage en cas de re-chargement
catch {font delete textFont}
catch {eval destroy [winfo children .]}
catch {unset HiddenText}

# ---- creer la fenetre d'edition de texte

font create textFont -family Courier -size 10

text .src -font textFont -width 80 -height 40 -relief sunken -yscrollcommand {.sb set}
scrollbar .sb -orient vertical -command {.src yview}

pack .src -side left -fill both -expand true
pack .sb -side left -fill y

# ---- creer la barre de menus
menu .bar
.bar add cascade -label Fichier -menu .bar.text
.bar add cascade -label Edition -menu .bar.edit
#.bar add cascade -label Tcl -menu .bar.tcl
. config -menu .bar

menu .bar.text
.bar.text add command -label Nouveau -command {NewText}
.bar.text add command -label Charger -command {OpenFile}
.bar.text add command -label Sauver -command {SaveFile}
.bar.text add command -label "Sauver sous" -command {SaveAs}
.bar.text add separator
.bar.text add command -label Quit -command {Quit}

menu .bar.edit
.bar.edit add command -label Couper -command {event generate <<Cut>>}
.bar.edit add command -label Copier -command {event generate <<Copy>>}
.bar.edit add command -label Coller -command {event generate <<Paste>>}
.bar.edit add separator
.bar.edit add command -label "Outline selection" -command {CreateSelectOutline}
.bar.edit add command -label "Outline Tcl proc" -command {CreateTclProcOutline}

#menu .bar.tcl
#.bar.tcl add command -label "Nouvel interpreteur" -command {NewInterp}
#.bar.tcl add command -label Evaluer -command {EvalText}
#.bar.tcl add command -label "Espionner variable" -command {SpyVar}

# ---- procedures de gestion de fichiers
# Attention! on ne controle pas si le fichier en cours d'edition a ete modifie...

set fileName ""

proc NewText {} {
	global fileName
	.src delete 1.0 end
	set fileName ""

proc OpenFile {} {
	global fileName
	set types {
		{{Text Files} {} TEXT}
		{{TCL Scripts} {.tcl}}
	set fileName [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types]
	if {$fileName == ""} return
	if [catch {open $fileName r} fd] {
		tk_messageBox -title "Erreur" -type ok -icon error -message $fd
	.src delete 1.0 end
	.src insert end [read $fd [file size $fileName]]
	close $fd

proc SaveFile {} {
	global fileName
	if {$fileName == ""} {
	if [catch {open $fileName w} fd] {
		tk_messageBox -title "Erreur" -type ok -icon error -message $fd
	catch {.src delete reply.first reply.last}
	puts -nonewline $fd [.src get 1.0 end]
	close $fd

proc SaveAs {} {
	global fileName
	set types {
		{{Text Files} {} TEXT}
		{{TCL Scripts} {.tcl}}
	set fileName [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types]
	if {$fileName == ""} return
	if [catch {open $fileName w} fd] {
		tk_messageBox -title "Erreur" -type ok -icon error -message $fd
	catch {.src delete reply.first reply.last}
	puts -nonewline $fd [.src get 1.0 end]
	close $fd

proc Quit {} {
	destroy .

# --- boite de recherche

toplevel .find
wm title .find Find

entry .find.string
button .find.show -text Show -command {ShowFindString [.find.string get]}
button .find.reset -text Reset -command ResetFindString
bind .find.string <Key-Return> {ShowFindString [.find.string get]}

bind .find.string <Key> {AutoFind}
proc AutoFind {} {
	global findId
	after cancel AutoFind
	after 500 {ShowFindString [.find.string get]}

pack .find.string -side top -fill x
pack .find.show -side left -padx 5 -pady 5
pack .find.reset -side left -padx 5 -pady 5

proc ShowFindString {str} {
	set from 1.0
	.src tag configure found -background green
	while { [set from [.src search -exact -count length -- $str $from end]] != {} } {
		set to [.src index "$from + $length chars"]
		.src tag add found $from $to
		set from $to

proc ResetFindString {} {
	.src tag delete found

# ---- mode outline

set wid 0

proc CreateSelectOutline {} {
	set from [.src index sel.first]
	set to [.src index sel.last]
	if [.src compare $from == $to] {
	CreateOutline $from $from $to

proc CreateTclProcOutline {} {
	set from [.src search -back -regexp -- "^proc " insert 1.0]
	set to [.src search -forw -regexp -- "^}" insert end]
	if {$from == {} || $to == {}} {
	CreateOutline $from [.src index "$from lineend"] $to

proc CreateOutline {mark from to} {
	global wid
	incr wid
	set w [button .src.w$wid -text v -command "ToggleOutline $wid"]
	.src window create $mark -window $w
	.src mark set b$wid "$from +1char"
	.src mark set e$wid "$to + 1char"
	.src mark gravity b$wid left
	ToggleOutline $wid

proc ToggleOutline {wid} {
	global HiddenText
	if [info exists HiddenText($wid)] {
		.src insert b$wid $HiddenText($wid)
		unset HiddenText($wid)
		.src.w$wid config -text v
	} else {
		set HiddenText($wid) [.src get b$wid e$wid]
		.src delete b$wid e$wid
		.src.w$wid config -text >

F) Un logiciel de dessin façon paintbrush

voici le code :

# Name: ScratchPad.tcl
 # Author: Martin Eder, snofix@users.sourceforge.net
 # Description: A simple scratch pad which provides free-hand drawing and
 #     basic geometric figures (lines, rectangels, circles).
 #     The drawing can be saved as jpg or gif file.
 namespace eval spad {
     set currentmode "freehand"
     set thickness 1
     set thicklist "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 28 30"
     set pcolor "black"
     set pbcolor "white"
     set canbg "white"
     set savename ""
 proc spad::setcol {cvar widget} {
     set newcolor [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $cvar -parent .ppad -title "Choose new fill color"]
     if {$newcolor != ""} {
         set $cvar $newcolor
         $widget configure -bg $newcolor
         return $newcolor
 proc spad::gui {} {
     if {[winfo exists .ppad]} {destroy .ppad}
     wm withdraw .
     toplevel .ppad -padx 5 -pady 5
     wm protocol .ppad WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit
     wm title .ppad "Scratch Pad"
     frame .ppad.f -relief ridge -borderwidth 4
     canvas .ppad.f.c -bg $spad::canbg -highlightthickness 0 -width 320 -height 240
     frame .ppad.panel
     frame .ppad.dpanel
     frame .ppad.status
     label .ppad.status.pos -relief groove -width 9
     label .ppad.status.size -relief groove -width 9
     label .ppad.status.bar -relief groove -anchor w -width 10
     label .ppad.panel.pcollab -text " Pen:"
     button .ppad.panel.pcol -width 3 -bg $spad::pcolor -relief ridge -command {
         set tmpcol [spad::setcol $spad::pcolor .ppad.panel.pcol]
         if {$tmpcol != ""} {set spad::pcolor $tmpcol}
     label .ppad.panel.pbcollab -text " Fill:"
     button .ppad.panel.pbcol -width 3 -bg $spad::pbcolor -relief ridge -command {
         set tmpcol [spad::setcol $spad::pbcolor .ppad.panel.pbcol]
         if {$tmpcol != ""} {set spad::pbcolor $tmpcol}
     label .ppad.panel.bgcollab -text " Background:"
     button .ppad.panel.bgcol -width 3 -bg $spad::canbg -relief ridge -command {
         set tmpcol [spad::setcol $spad::canbg .ppad.panel.bgcol]
         if {$tmpcol != ""} {
             .ppad.f.c configure -bg [set spad::bgcollab $tmpcol]
     spinbox .ppad.dpanel.thickness -values $spad::thicklist -command {set spad::thickness [.ppad.dpanel.thickness get]} -state readonly -width 3
     button .ppad.dpanel.pointer -relief raised -command spad::pointer -image [image create photo -data {
     button .ppad.dpanel.freehand -relief raised -command spad::draw_free -image [image create photo -data {
     button .ppad.dpanel.line -relief raised -command spad::draw_line -image [image create photo -data {
     button .ppad.dpanel.rectangle -relief raised -command spad::draw_rectangle -image [image create photo -data {
     button .ppad.dpanel.circle -relief raised -command spad::draw_circle -image [image create photo -data {
     .ppad configure -menu [menu .ppad.padmenu] -padx 5 -pady 5
     .ppad.padmenu add cascade -label "File" -menu [menu .ppad.padmenu.file -tearoff 0]
     .ppad.padmenu.file add command -label "Clear" -command {.ppad.f.c delete all}
     .ppad.padmenu.file add command -label "Save" -command {spad::save_can $spad::savename}
     .ppad.padmenu.file add command -label "Save As" -command {spad::save_can ""}
     .ppad.padmenu.file add separator
     .ppad.padmenu.file add command -label "About" -command {tk_messageBox -title "About" -message "Scratch Padn2006 by Martin Edern(snofix@users.sourceforge.net)"}
     .ppad.padmenu.file add command -label "Exit" -command exit
     pack .ppad.f.c -expand 1 -fill both
     pack .ppad.dpanel.pointer .ppad.dpanel.freehand .ppad.dpanel.line .ppad.dpanel.rectangle .ppad.dpanel.circle -padx 2 -side top -pady 1 -fill x
     pack .ppad.dpanel.thickness -side top -pady 10 -padx 2 -fill x
     pack .ppad.panel.pcollab .ppad.panel.pcol .ppad.panel.pbcollab .ppad.panel.pbcol .ppad.panel.bgcollab .ppad.panel.bgcol -side left
     pack .ppad.status.size .ppad.status.pos -side right
     pack .ppad.status.bar -side left -expand 1 -fill x
     pack .ppad.status -side bottom -fill x
     pack .ppad.panel -side bottom -fill x -pady 5
     pack .ppad.dpanel -side left -fill y
     pack .ppad.f -side right -expand 1 -fill both
     bind .ppad.f.c <3> {.ppad.f.c delete current}
     bind .ppad.f.c <Configure> {.ppad.status.size configure -text "[winfo width .ppad.f.c]x[winfo height .ppad.f.c]"}
     bind posupdate <Motion> {spad::update_pos %x %y}
     bind posupdate <B1-Motion> {spad::update_pos %x %y}
     bindtags .ppad.f.c {posupdate .ppad.f.c .ppad}
     ### Help text
     bind .ppad.dpanel.pointer <Enter> {.ppad.status.bar configure -text "Magic wand. Move a figure by drag and drop."}
     bind .ppad.dpanel.freehand <Enter> {.ppad.status.bar configure -text "Tool for free-hand drawings. Press the left mouse button and keep it pressed."}
     bind .ppad.dpanel.line <Enter> {.ppad.status.bar configure -text "Draw lines. Keep the left mouse button pressed to draw the line."}
     bind .ppad.dpanel.rectangle <Enter> {.ppad.status.bar configure -text "Draw rectangeles. Keep the left mouse button pressed to draw the rectangle."}
     bind .ppad.dpanel.circle <Enter> {.ppad.status.bar configure -text "Draw ovals. Keep the left mouse button pressed to draw the oval."}
     bind .ppad.dpanel.thickness <Enter> {.ppad.status.bar configure -text "Change the thickness of the pen."}
     bind .ppad.panel.pcol <Enter> {.ppad.status.bar configure -text "Change the color of the pen."}
     bind .ppad.panel.pbcol <Enter> {.ppad.status.bar configure -text "Change the fill color for rectangles and ovals."}
     bind .ppad.f.c <Enter> {.ppad.status.bar configure -text "Scratch Pad. Right click to delete figures, left mouse button to draw figures."}
     bind .ppad.status.pos <Enter> {.ppad.status.bar configure -text "Shows x and y position of the pointer."}
     bind .ppad.status.size <Enter> {.ppad.status.bar configure -text "Shows canvas size in pixels."}
 proc spad::pointer {} {
     spad::draw_mode pointer
     bind .ppad.f.c <ButtonPress-1> {
         set startx %x
         set starty %y
         set seltag [.ppad.f.c gettag current]
         puts $seltag}
     bind .ppad.f.c <B1-Motion> {
         .ppad.f.c move $seltag [expr %x - $startx] [expr %y - $starty]
         set startx %x
         set starty %y
     bind .ppad.f.c <ButtonRelease-1> {}
 proc spad::draw_free {} {
     spad::draw_mode freehand
     bind .ppad.f.c <ButtonPress-1> {set tempfree [.ppad.f.c create line %x %y %x %y -fill $spad::pcolor -width $spad::thickness]}
     bind .ppad.f.c <B1-Motion> {.ppad.f.c coords $tempfree [concat [.ppad.f.c coords $tempfree] %x %y]}
     bind .ppad.f.c <ButtonRelease-1> {}
 proc spad::draw_line {} {
     spad::draw_mode line
     bind .ppad.f.c <ButtonPress-1> {
         set linestartx %x
         set linestarty %y
         set tline [.ppad.f.c create line $linestartx $linestarty %x %y -width $spad::thickness -fill $spad::pcolor]
     bind .ppad.f.c <B1-Motion> {.ppad.f.c coord $tline $linestartx $linestarty %x %y}
     bind .ppad.f.c <ButtonRelease-1> {.ppad.f.c coord $tline $linestartx $linestarty %x %y}
 proc spad::draw_rectangle {} {
     spad::draw_mode rectangle
     bind .ppad.f.c <ButtonPress-1> {
         set rectstartx %x
         set rectstarty %y
         set trect [.ppad.f.c create rectangle $rectstartx $rectstarty %x %y -width $spad::thickness -fill $spad::pbcolor -outline $spad::pcolor]
     bind .ppad.f.c <B1-Motion> {.ppad.f.c coord $trect $rectstartx $rectstarty %x %y}
     bind .ppad.f.c <ButtonRelease-1> {.ppad.f.c coord $trect $rectstartx $rectstarty %x %y}
 proc spad::draw_circle {} {
     spad::draw_mode circle
     bind .ppad.f.c <ButtonPress-1> {
         set circstartx %x
         set circstarty %y
         set tcirc [.ppad.f.c create oval $circstartx $circstarty %x %y -width $spad::thickness -fill $spad::pbcolor -outline $spad::pcolor]
     bind .ppad.f.c <B1-Motion> {.ppad.f.c coord $tcirc $circstartx $circstarty %x %y}
     bind .ppad.f.c <ButtonRelease-1> {.ppad.f.c coord $tcirc $circstartx $circstarty %x %y}
 proc spad::draw_mode {widget} {
     .ppad.dpanel.$::spad::currentmode configure -relief raised
     .ppad.dpanel.$widget configure -relief sunken
     set ::spad::currentmode $widget
 proc spad::save_can {filename} {
     if {[catch {package require Img} err]} {
         tk_messageBox -message "Could not load package Img!" -icon error
     set canimg [image create photo -format window -data .ppad.f.c]
     if {$filename == ""} {
         set filename [tk_getSaveFile -title "Save Scratch Pad" -filetypes ""{GIF Image} {.gif}" "{JPEG Image} {.jpg}"" -initialdir [pwd] -initialfile "ScratchPad.gif"]
     if {$filename != ""} {
         switch -- [file extension $filename] {
             ".gif" {set fformat "GIF"}
             ".jpg" {set fformat "JPEG"}
             default {tk_messageBox -title "Unsupported format" -message "Unsupported format.nPlease use gif or jpg extension.n" -icon error; return}
         $canimg write $filename -format $fformat
     set spad::savename $filename
 proc spad::update_pos {xp yp} {
     set offset 0
     set xpos [expr $xp - $offset]
     set ypos [expr $yp - $offset]
     .ppad.status.pos configure -text "$xpos,$ypos"
 spad::update_pos 0 0
 ### End of Script

G) Un convertisseur de base (binaire, décimal, octal, hexa,etc...)

Voici le code :

# $Id: tkalc.tcl,v 1.4 2001/01/11 13:35:43 boris Exp $

# tkalc - Programmer's almighty pocket calculator 
# Copyright (C) 2000  Boris Folgmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

# the next line restarts using wish 
exec wish "$0" "$@"

# Globals
set expression  ""
set VERSION     "tkalc 1.0.2"
set decimal     "Welcome to tkalc!"
set hexadecimal "Enter expression and press return."
set octal       "Press Esc to close window."
set binary      "Alt+C for Clear and so on"
set ascii       "Tab to change widget, space to push button"
set ip          "Check out http://www.folgmann.de"
set bool        "Email: boris@folgmann.de"        
set errormsg    "tkalc (c) 2000-2001 by Boris Folgmann"
# I use this as a constant for the widget width in characters
set WIDTH       38

# Set window title
# . is always the toplevel widget
wm title   . $VERSION
wm grid    . 45 20 10 10
wm minsize . 45 20
wm resizable . 1 0

# Set defaults
. config -borderwidth 3

# Make main frame
set m [frame .main]
grid columnconf $m 1 -weight 1
# Make buttons frame
set b [frame .buttons]
# Center at top
grid $m $b -sticky new
# Use 5:1 for output against buttons
grid columnconf . 0 -weight 5
grid columnconf . 1 -weight 1

# expression entry
label $m.lexpression -text Expr -padx 0
# The increased borderwidth is needed so that the ridge border is as thick as the sunken border.
entry $m.expression  -width $WIDTH -relief ridge -borderwidth 3 -background white -textvariable expression
grid  $m.lexpression $m.expression -padx 3 -pady 1 -sticky news

# Decimal       
label $m.ldec -text Dec -padx 0
label $m.dec  -width $WIDTH -relief sunken -textvariable decimal
grid  $m.ldec $m.dec  -padx 3 -pady 1 -sticky news
# Use sticky west for left centered labels!
# -sticky w

# Hex
label $m.lhex -text Hex -padx 0
label $m.hex -width $WIDTH -relief sunken -textvariable hexadecimal
grid  $m.lhex $m.hex -padx 3 -pady 1 -sticky news

# Oct
label $m.loct -text Oct -padx 0
label $m.oct -width $WIDTH -relief sunken -textvariable octal
grid  $m.loct $m.oct -padx 3 -pady 1 -sticky news

# Bin
label $m.lbin -text Bin -padx 0
label $m.bin -width $WIDTH -relief sunken -textvariable binary
grid  $m.lbin $m.bin -padx 3 -pady 1 -sticky news

label $m.lascii -text ASCII -padx 0
label $m.ascii -width $WIDTH -relief sunken -textvariable ascii
grid  $m.lascii $m.ascii  -padx 3 -pady 1 -sticky news

# IP
label $m.lip -text IP -padx 0
label $m.ip -width $WIDTH -relief sunken -textvariable ip
grid  $m.lip $m.ip  -padx 3 -pady 1 -sticky news

# Bool
label $m.lbool -text Bool -padx 0
label $m.bool  -width $WIDTH -relief sunken -textvariable bool
grid  $m.lbool $m.bool -padx 3 -pady 1 -sticky news

# Error
label $m.lerr -text  Status -padx 0
label $m.err  -width $WIDTH -relief sunken -textvariable errormsg
grid  $m.lerr $m.err -padx 3 -pady 1 -sticky news

# buttons
button $b.eval  -text Evaluate  -underline 0 -command Eval
button $b.clear -text Clear     -underline 0 -command Clear
button $b.nums  -text Numbers   -underline 0 -command Nums
button $b.ops   -text Operators -underline 0 -command Ops
button $b.funcs -text Functions -underline 0 -command Funcs
button $b.about -text About     -underline 0 -command About 
button $b.quit  -text Quit      -underline 0 -command exit
# Stick all to left and right edge, so they have the same width!
grid columnconf $b 0 -weight 1
grid $b.eval  -sticky new 
grid $b.clear -sticky new 
grid $b.nums  -sticky new
grid $b.ops   -sticky new
grid $b.funcs -sticky new
grid $b.about -sticky new
grid $b.quit  -sticky new

# Set keybindings and inital focus
bind  . <Escape> exit
bind  . <Alt-e>  Eval
bind  . <Alt-c>  Clear
bind  . <Alt-n>  Nums
bind  . <Alt-o>  Ops
bind  . <Alt-f>  Funcs
bind  . <Alt-a>  About
bind  . <Alt-q>  exit
bind  $m.expression <Return> Eval
# We need -force here, otherwise the main windows doesn't get active
# when running on Win98
focus -force $m.expression

# Procedures starting here
proc Clear {} {
    global expression
    set expression ""

proc ip {ip} {
    if {[regexp "([^.]+)\.([^.]+)\.([^.]+)\.([^.]+)" $ip m a b c d]} {
	if {[string equal "$ip" "$m"]} {
	    if {[expr {$a > 255 || $b > 255 || $c > 255 || $d > 255}]} {
		error "max component size of IP address is 255"
	    return [expr {$a << 24 | $b << 16 | $c << 8 | $d}]
    error "not a valid IP address"

proc bin {bin} {
    set result 0

    for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $bin]} {incr i} {
	set digit [string index $bin $i]
	if {$digit == 0 || $digit == 1} {
	    set result [expr {$result << 1 | $digit}]
	} elseif {$digit == "."} {
	} else {
	    error "not a valid binary digit"

    return $result

# Evaluate expression
proc Eval {} {
    # say what global vars you want to use
    # if you forget it here, you will use a local var
    global expression decimal hexadecimal octal binary ascii ip bool
    global errormsg m m.err

    if {[SafeExpr $expression]} {
        set decimal $result
	if {[SafeExpr int($result)]} {
	    set hexadecimal [format "%#010x" [expr {$result}]]
	    set octal       [format "%#o"    [expr {$result}]]
	    set binary      [DecToBin        [expr {$result}]]
	    set ascii       [format ""%s%s%s%s""
		                 [Char [expr {$result} >> 24 & 0xff]]
				 [Char [expr {$result} >> 16 & 0xff]]
				 [Char [expr {$result} >>  8 & 0xff]]
				 [Char [expr {$result}       & 0xff]]]
	    set ip          [format "%s.%s.%s.%s"
		                 [expr {$result} >> 24 & 0xff]
				 [expr {$result} >> 16 & 0xff]
				 [expr {$result} >>  8 & 0xff]
				 [expr {$result}       & 0xff]]
	    if {int($result)} {
		set bool "True" 
	    } else {
		set bool "False"
    } else {
	set decimal ""

proc SafeExpr {exp} {
    global expression decimal hexadecimal octal binary ascii ip bool
    global errormsg m m.err

    # uplevel is used to access callers result variable!
    if {[catch {uplevel "set result [expr $exp]"} errormsg]} {
	#catch returns non-zero on error
	$m.err config -foreground red
	set hexadecimal ""
	set octal ""
	set binary ""
	set ascii ""
	set ip ""
	set bool ""
	return 0
    } else {
	#catch returns zero on success
	set errormsg "Ok"
	#default would be better than black!
	$m.err config -foreground black
	return 1

proc Char {byte} {
    if {$byte >= 32 && $byte <= 126} {
	return [format "%c" $byte]
    } else {
	return "."

proc ByteToBin {byte} {
    for {set i 0} {$i < 8} {incr i} {
	append result [format "%d" [expr {($byte & 0x80) >> 7}]]
	set byte [expr {$byte << 1}]
    return $result

proc DecToBin {dec} {
    append result     [ByteToBin [expr {$dec >> 24 & 0xff}]]
	          "." [ByteToBin [expr {$dec >> 16 & 0xff}]]
	          "." [ByteToBin [expr {$dec >>  8 & 0xff}]]
		  "." [ByteToBin [expr {$dec       & 0xff}]]

    return $result

proc About {} {
    global tcl_platform
    set title "About"
    set text  "tkalc (c) 2000 by Boris Folgmann. 
Released under the GPL (General Public License)
For latest version check out http://www.folgmann.de
Send bug reports and suggestions to: boris@folgmann.de
    switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
	unix {
	    DisplayText $title $text
	windows {
	    set choice [tk_messageBox -title "tkalc: About" -message $text]

proc DisplayText {name text} {
    global tcl_platform m
# the w prefix is randomly choosen!
    if {[winfo exists .w$name]} {
	wm deiconify .w$name
	focus .w$name
    set       numlines [regsub -all n $text {} ignore]

    switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
	unix {
	    set       font {fixed}
	windows {
	    set       font {systemfixed}

    set       w [toplevel .w$name -borderwidth 3]
    append    title "tkcalc: " $name
    wm title  $w $title
    focus     .w$name
    bind      $w <Escape> {destroy %W}
    bind      $w <Destroy> {focus -force $m.expression}
    # Create connected text and scrollbar widget
    scrollbar $w.yscroll -command "$w.text yview" -orient vertical
    text      $w.text -yscrollcommand "$w.yscroll set" -wrap word -font $font -width 54 -height $numlines

    # Pack scrollbar first! Otherwise its clipped for small windows
    pack      $w.yscroll -side right -fill y
    pack      $w.text    -side left  -fill both -expand true

    # set read only text
    $w.text   config -state normal
    $w.text   insert end $text
    $w.text   config -state disabled

proc Nums {} {
    DisplayText "Numbers" "Valid numbers are:
Octaltt0774 (leading zero)
Binarytt[bin 1000.1111] (place dots at will)
IP addresst[ip]

proc Ops {} {
    DisplayText "Operators" "Operators from highest to lowest precedence:
* ~ !ttUnary minus, bitwise NOT, logical NOT
* / %ttMultiply, divide, remainder
+ -ttAdd, subtract
<< >>ttLeft shift, right shift
< > <= >=tLess, greater, less or equal,
ttgreater or equal
== !=ttEqual, not equal
&ttBitwise AND
^ttBitwise XOR
|ttBitwise OR
&&ttLogical AND
||ttLogical OR
x?y:zttIf x then y else z

proc Funcs {} {
    DisplayText "Functions" "Available functions are:


Rien à voir avec gambas je vous l'accorde, mais je veux vous montrer que vous pouvez développer des applications de façon simple et rapide avec Linux.

Date de creation :
Redacteur : Rédigé par spheris
Classé dans : Tutoriel, tcltk