STAROS - Setvolume front-end de amixer
Rédigé par spheris
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Classé dans : accessoire, audio, starOS
Je vous propose Setvolume, un logiciel de gestion de votre carte son pour le projet StarOS
Avec Setvolume, vous pouvez :
- Activer/Désactiver une voie sonore
- Augmenter ou diminuer le son de votre carte son.
- Mettre en silence un canal sonore.
Cette interface utilise amixer pour piloter la carte son.
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Comme pour toutes applications du projet StarOS, vous devez avoir le répertoire .star à la dans le répertoire /home/user/
Voici le code de l'application :
' Gambas class file ' This program is a part of the star desktop project ' it's a Front-end made in gambas of amixer command line program for Linux 'Free source, you can redistribute source free. ' January 2022 made by spheris 'For any help, remark, questions : Private modif As Boolean 'if modif we write config file Private $pic As String 'image path Private $dev As New String[100] 'device number Private $name As New String[100] 'channel name Private $cap As New String[100] 'capabilities Private $limit As New String[100] 'max value of device Private $mode As New String[100] 'stereo or mono mode Private $left As New String[100] 'left current value of device Private $right As New String[100] 'right current value of device Private $act As New String[100] 'enabled device or not Private k As String[] 'separated textarea lines Private id As Integer 'current id when add data Private $ch As New Integer[8] 'channel order '******************************* INTERFACE VIEW ********************************** Public Sub _new() $pic = System.User.Home & "/star/config/img/" Rconfig() End Private Sub Rconfig() 'load configuration file Dim a As String Dim b As String[] Dim c As Integer a = File.Load(System.User.Home & "/.star/audio/order") a = Trim(a) Wait 0.2 b = Split(a, ";") For c = 0 To 5 $ch[c] = CInt(b[c]) Next End Public Sub Form_Open() Me.Center() Me.Icon = Picture[$pic & "setvolume.xpm"] Me.Text = "Sound control configurator / Mixer" cmd() Wait 0.2 Rfile() upview() End '******************************* EVENTS ****************************************** Public Sub bclose_Click() Dim a As String a = Str($ch[0]) & ";" & Str($ch[1]) & ";" & Str($ch[2]) & ";" & Str($ch[3]) & ";" & Str($ch[4]) & ";" & Str($ch[5]) & ";" If modif Then File.Save(System.User.Home & "/.star/audio/order", a) Endif Me.Close() End '******************************* CODE ********************************************* Private Sub cmd() 'extract amixer devices and parameter Exec ["amixer"] To TextArea1.Text End Private Sub Rfile() 'read Textarea to extract datas Dim v As Integer Dim l As Integer k = Split(TextArea1.Text, Chr(10)) 'separate all textarea lines For v = 0 To k.Count - 1 'read every line If Left(k[v], 3) = "Sim" Then Inc id Dname(k[v]) Endif If Left(k[v], 6) = " Capa" Then Dcap(k[v]) If Left(k[v], 6) = " Play" Then Dmode(k[v]) If Left(k[v], 6) = " Limi" Then Dmax(k[v]) If Left(k[v], 6) = " Mono" Then Dmono(k[v]) If Left(k[v], 9) = " Front L" Then Dstl(k[v]) If Left(k[v], 9) = " Front R" Then Dstr(k[v]) Next For l = 1 To id taudio.Add(l, $name[l], Picture[$pic & "speaker16.xpm"]) Next End Private Sub Dname($s As String) 'extract device name and card Dim a As String[] a = Split($s, "'") $name[id] = a[1] $dev[id] = Right(a[2], 1) End Private Sub Dcap($s As String) 'extract capabilities Dim a As String[] a = Split($s, ":") $cap[id] = a[1] End Private Sub Dmode($s As String) 'Extract stereo mode or mono Dim a As String[] a = Split($s, ":") $mode[id] = a[1] $mode[id] = Trim($mode[id]) End Private Sub Dmax($s As String) 'extract maximal device value Dim a As String[] a = Split($s, " ") $limit[id] = a.Last End Private Sub Dmono($s As String) ' 'extract current volume et activity on mono channel Dim a As String[] Dim b As String[] a = Split($s, ":") If Left($mode[id], "1") = "M" Then b = Split(a[1], " ") Select Case b.Count Case 3 $act[id] = b[2] Case 6 $left[id] = b[2] $right[id] = b[2] $act[id] = b[5] End Select Endif End Private Sub Dstl($s As String) 'extract current volume et activity on left channel Dim a As String[] a = Split($s, " ") Select Case a.Count Case 7 $left[id] = a[4] $right[id] = a[4] Case 8 $left[id] = a[5] $right[id] = a[5] Case 9 $left[id] = a[5] $right[id] = a[5] End Select End Private Sub Dstr($s As String) 'extract current volume et activity on right channel Dim a As String[] a = Split($s, " ") Select Case a.Count Case 7 $left[id] = a[4] $right[id] = a[4] Case 8 $left[id] = a[5] $right[id] = a[5] Case 9 $left[id] = a[5] $right[id] = a[5] End Select End Public Sub taudio_MouseDrag() If Mouse.Left Then If taudio.Current <> Null Then taudio.Drag(taudio.Current.Text) Drag.Icon = Picture[$pic & "speaker16.xpm"] Endif End Public Sub Mquit_Click() bclose_Click() End Public Sub ln1_Drop() modif = True $ch[0] = taudio.Current.Key upview() End Public Sub ln2_Drop() $ch[1] = taudio.Current.Key modif = True upview() End Public Sub ln3_Drop() $ch[2] = taudio.Current.Key modif = True upview() End Public Sub ln4_Drop() $ch[3] = taudio.Current.Key modif = True upview() End Public Sub ln5_Drop() $ch[4] = taudio.Current.Key modif = True upview() End Public Sub ln6_Drop() $ch[5] = taudio.Current.Key modif = True upview() End Public Sub sl1_MouseUp() Exec ["amixer", "sset", ln1.Text, sl1.Value] End Public Sub sl2_MouseUp() Exec ["amixer", "sset", ln2.Text, sl2.Value] End Public Sub sl3_MouseUp() Exec ["amixer", "sset", ln3.Text, sl3.Value] End Public Sub sl4_MouseUp() Exec ["amixer", "sset", ln4.Text, sl4.Value] End Public Sub sl5_MouseUp() Exec ["amixer", "sset", ln5.Text, sl5.Value] End Public Sub sl6_MouseUp() Exec ["amixer", "sset", ln6.Text, sl6.Value] End Public Sub Mabout_Click() Fabout.Show() End Private Sub upview() ln1.Text = $name[$ch[0]] sl1.MaxValue = CInt($limit[$ch[0]]) sl1.Value = $left[$ch[0]] Select Case $act[$ch[0]] Case "[off]" cen1.Value = False Case "[on]" cen1.Value = True End Select ln2.Text = $name[$ch[1]] sl2.MaxValue = CInt($limit[$ch[1]]) sl2.Value = $left[$ch[1]] Select Case $act[$ch[1]] Case "[off]" cen2.Value = False Case "[on]" cen2.Value = True End Select ln3.Text = $name[$ch[2]] sl3.MaxValue = CInt($limit[$ch[2]]) sl3.Value = $left[$ch[2]] Select Case $act[$ch[2]] Case "[off]" cen3.Value = False Case "[on]" cen3.Value = True End Select ln4.Text = $name[$ch[3]] sl4.MaxValue = CInt($limit[$ch[3]]) sl4.Value = $left[$ch[3]] Select Case $act[$ch[3]] Case "[off]" cen4.Value = False Case "[on]" cen4.Value = True End Select ln5.Text = $name[$ch[4]] sl5.MaxValue = CInt($limit[$ch[4]]) sl5.Value = $left[$ch[4]] Select Case $act[$ch[4]] Case "[off]" cen5.Value = False Case "[on]" cen5.Value = True End Select ln6.Text = $name[$ch[5]] sl6.MaxValue = CInt($limit[$ch[5]]) sl6.Value = $left[$ch[5]] Select Case $act[$ch[5]] Case "[off]" cen6.Value = False Case "[on]" cen6.Value = True End Select End